Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Wise Thought: Pleasant Ways, Proverbs 3:17

Pleasant Ways

Proverbs 3:17 Her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace.

Ladies, this verse talks about how it is with wisdom, so if you live in wisdom you to will become this way. Be women of peace sharing your pleasant demeanor to all you are around.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Wise Thought: Patience Wins, Proverbs 25:15

Patience Wins

Proverbs 25:15 Through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone.

Hey ladies, if you ever need to convince someone in authority over you that your have a better way to complete a task, remember that sugar is a sweeter additive than salt. Harsh words will sting and you will get nowhere fast. Kind and gentle words spoken at just the right moment will persuade even the toughest person over time.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 1: Infighting Destroys

Infighting Destroys

Genesis 13:7 And quarrelling arose between Abram's herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot. The Canaanites and the Perizzites were also living in the Land.

Lot's family had been travelling with Abram, but the time came when it was difficult to do so. Limited natural resources made daily life difficult to manage and the herdsmen of each family began to fight over what was available. The tensions between families started to destroy their relationship.

Who hasn't had an argument? Whether it is in the family or between friends or co-workers, squabbles and disputes lead to altercations. But, what causes them?... selfishness! There are "triggers" that spark the arguments, but the problems lie within our selfish hearts. When we put our desires before the needs of others, we look at life differently. Each decision begins and ends with what benefits us instead any concern for the other person or group. If others do not benefit or even suffer for us to get ahead, it is the price that must be paid. This happens individually, in families, or even in churches. Success is defined by getting ahead.

K and A, foolish arguments never solve anything. They just produce quarrels, and the people of God must never be quarrelsome (2 Tim. 2:23). When there are quarrels in your home, a division forms between you and your spouse. Soon the marriage weakens and is in danger of dissolving. With the mindset of today's culture, it is likely to do so quickly. The results caused by selfishness is true no matter the participants. It will be true between your children or among those with whom you work.

So, how can you avoid this infighting from happening and destroying your relationships? Each side must be dedicated to the success of the other person, absolutely no selfishness! Look out for the interests of the other person. Think of others better than yourself (Phil. 2:3 & 4). It begins with you, and the result will be peace in the home or in any relationship. You can do this, daughters. Yield to the control of the Spirit, and it will be who you are.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Genesis 13:1 - 4, Back To Where You Started

Back To Where You Started

Genesis 13:3 & 4 From the Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier and where he had first built an altar to the Lord. There Abram called on the name of the Lord.

After the dry spell was over, Abram left Egypt and headed back to the land of Canaan. He meandered around a bit then returned to the place where he had built an altar to the Lord. There he met with God once again.

At times in our life, it seems as if we have spiritual droughts. To survive, we leave the place where we had experienced God in search of fulfilling food. All too often, this trek outside where God had put us leads us to the camp of the enemy. At first, we are afraid and fear what might take place. But time passes, and the people seem to like us, so we settle in. We are given much that appeals to us and life appears to go well. We are fitting in and the evil that once gave trepidation now gives fulfilment. Fortunately, God is faithful and causes those who at first accepted us with open arms, to reject us. We are forced to leave. We meander for a bit then decide to go back home, to the place where we first got close to God, In that place, we worshipped him, and he communed with us. Once back home, we connect with our Lord again and are filled with the love we once knew. It is as sweet as we remembered it to be.

K and A, there are no vacations from being Christian. If you aren't consistently serving God, it will bring a separation that will only grow wider. Purpose in your heart and mind that you will walk with him always. At times a spiritual drought may come in your life. This is caused by not continually walking with the Lord. It is then when you must search him out, but do not go to the world to fulfill your hunger. It is not pleasure you are missing, it is God. Be leery of the calls for spiritual candy. This may give you a quick burst of energy but will lead to a weak soul and a sapping of your strength. Instead, come back home. Eat the meat of God's word and be filled with the food that strengthen and fills your soul. God will be there waiting to commune with you! (Rev. 3:20)


Song for you: The Lord is My Shepherd  Sing it to yourself as a round

Friday, January 27, 2017

Wise Thought: Careful Who you Talk To, Proverbs 20:19

Wise Thought: Careful Who You Talk To

Proverbs 20:19 A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much.

You need a close friend for personal accountability, but choose wisely with whom you share your life. If the person is a talker and can't seem to hold their tongue about others, they will surely talk about you. Some people just can't keep quiet and filter what they know which was said to them in confidence.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wise Thought: Trust Your Parents, Proverbs 6:20

Wise Thought: Trust your Parents

Proverbs 6:20 My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching.

Forget not the teachings of Godly parents, you would do well, not?


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Time to Wrestle, Colossians 4:12

Time to Wrestle

Colossians 4:12 Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you that you may stand firm in the will of God, mature and fully assured.

"Ready, Wrestle!" These were words of the ref when I was set to start a match years back when I was a fledgling wrestler. It was hard work being a wrestler. The grueling practices that made the football players who were "in shape" from their just completed season, cry... well almost. Then all the moves you had to learn, then perfect, to seamlessly combine to whip the most valiant competitor. It can be some of the most arduous 6 minutes in sports. How did I ever make it... well, let's just say wrestling taught me an appreciation for lighting.

As Christian, we are to be wrestlers, prayer wrestlers that is. It will take a lot of preparation, practice, and dedication to be an effective prayer warrior. We must be willing to work hard and sweat. To make weight takes discipline. Like a wrestler who gives up the sweet things of life to loose the load that slows them down and tires them out during the contest, those who pray must be willing to leave the attractive things of the world to be successful at prayer. We must stay focused and have to desire to succeed for our prayers to be victorious.

A and K, be resolved in your faith so that your prayers are productive. James says that powerful and effective prayers come from those that do right (James 5:16). If you see no results from your prayers, evaluate your spiritual life. Also, be serious about prayer. It is hard work when you desire to plead with God for a need, for you or someone else. And finally, the love you have for someone can be measured by the time you take to lift them up in prayer. And these will not be wimpy now I lay me down to sleep prayers. These prayers stretch from earth to God's heavenly throne and touch his heart. You can be an Epaphras for someone today. Are you willing to be dedicated to the task? As a servant of Christ Jesus, wrestle in prayer for the ones you love today and touch God. He will touch you back and honor your prayer.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Build your House, Proverbs 14:1

Build Your House

Proverbs 14:1 The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Wisdom is gained through fear of the Lord and knowledge of his ways (Pr. 9:10). We cannot expect to live pleasing to the Lord in this age of Christian compromise if we do not possess the wisdom of God. With wisdom, we can see through the lies which Satan uses to fool us into believing that living like the world will help us win others to Christ. Sure, they will not think we are odd and stuck in some past generational black hole sucking all out sensibility, but we will become like them and begin to compromise out beliefs. We are not called to be like them! We are call to a different lifestyle.

The wisdom we gain through knowledge in Christ, knowing his commands and those of his father found in the Word, will enable us to build upon the Rock of our Salvation. Being saved is not the end of a journey. Rather, it is the beginning of a daily walk with God our savior. As we continue to build our faith in him, he leads us along which causes us to build a strong and lasting structure that is impenetrable to the attacks of the enemy.

A and K, how is your building project going? Is your design different than the world's? Do you use their materials to stabilize its structure? If so, it will be like the house built upon the sand and will surely fall when the winds of the trials of life blow by (Matt 7:24+   Song).

Now this verse also speaks of something I have not yet mentioned... the sadness I have seen when a person foolishly removes the pillars of faith that were built into her life while she was young. Do not be like so many who leave the truths of the Word to follow "new" ways and so weaken their spiritual lives. This will certainly cause heartache and a pulling away from God. Instead, strengthen what was given, build upon it, and what you have been given. It will make your house even more glorious, more beautiful than you can imagine.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Enduring Love, Jeremiah 33:11

Enduring Love

Jeremiah 33:11 there will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and groom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying, "Give thanks to the Lord Almighty for the Lord is good; his love endures forever."

Israel had been destroyed and Judah was next on God's destruction list. He would not put up with them any longer. Their sin had become too great and they would not listen to the prophets he had sent to carry his message to repent and walk after him. They were to be ravaged by a ferocious army from Babylon. Many would be destroyed, some would be captured and others suffer harm and either die or be left to care for the land as servants to the new king. It looked as if God had abandoned his people.

The truth in the matter was they had abandoned him and he would not protect them from harm. This was in accordance with the covenant they had made with him. But for the sake of his servant David he would not totally destroy them. He loved them and would save a remnant to one day return. In that day, joy would return to Israel and life would be full.

K and A, never lose the joy of your salvation. But if you do, like David, ask for it to return and to be sustained in spirit so that your love for God will cause you to follow all his decrees (Psalm 51 especially verse 12) God's love is always there but he will not be mocked (Gal 6:7). Yet when we return to him we will once more enjoy his enduring love!


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Genesis 12:10 - 20, Part 4: Blessings Anyway

Blessings Anyway

Genesis 12:20 Then Pharaoh gave orders about Abram to his men, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and everything he had.

While in Egypt, Abram was blessed by God because of Sari. He acquired sheep, and cattle and donkeys. The also was given man and maid servants. Meanwhile, Sarai was taken into the harem of the Pharaoh. This could have been an ungodly place to be, but God protected her and cursed the Pharaoh and his household. When Pharaoh determined the cause of the serious diseases, he summoned Abram and demanded he take his wife and leave... He did so!

It is important to say we cannot know how innocent Abram is here. Was Abram trying to save himself and just using Sarai or was this God's hand at work, a way to protect the two from certain destruction. What we do know is this... God protected both Sarai and Abram, and despite the trying state, a untimely trip, a famine ravaged land, and threat from a mighty power which could take everything you owned including your wife, God blessed Abram.

A and K, God has called each of you. Where you are to end up, you or I may not yet understand, but keep serving the Lord and be faithful to his word. He will bless you beyond what you can imagine. He will strengthen your soul and renew your mind. Blessing will come your way for he diligently rewards those that seek and follow him (Heb. 11:6). Despite the hardships you see, look for his hand of blessing. It is there despite the tough time you may be experiencing.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Well Pleased, Luke 3:22

Well Pleased

Luke 3:22, And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

John, not the revelator, was in the Jordan River baptizing those who had heard his message. They stood confessing their sins and were baptized. They desired to change the way they were living and prepare their lives for the coming of the Messiah for, although he had come to earth, he had not yet began his ministry. Then Jesus, the promised Messiah, appeared. He too was baptized by John. Not that he had sins to confess, but, as he stated, it was to fulfill all righteousness.

God, the Father, was pleased with his son. He watched him grow and develop into a man, although he was divinity. He was soon to begin the work of his Father who had sent him. This brought joy to his father, so much so that he sent a visible sign and called down from heaven for all to hear... You are my son, whom I love. With you I am well pleased! He was willing to acknowledge before all who would listen that Jesus was his son, and unashamedly loved him. Jesus' willingness to live out his father's desires brought God contentment. His son's life brought him honor and respect.

K and A, Paul says that honoring your father and your mother is the first commandment with a promise (Eph. 6:2). Do you want your life to go well, then listen to the Godly wisdom of your parents. This is true, not only while young, but as you get old. Consider that Jesus was 30 years old when he brought honor to the Father through the act of baptism. Jesus put selfish ambitions aside to follow the will of his father.

It is our will for you, daughters, to listen to the wisdom and direction we have given each of you. Mother and I desire you to follow God and be wholly dedicated to him. The Bible can be taken literal as it describes what is right and wrong, good and evil. God's cares, but he also chastens. He loves, but he also destroys. Certain lifestyles and actions bring everlasting punishment. Redemption is possible for all but not all will not receive it! The choice is yours.

Will you bring your father joy throughout your days and years ahead? Will your life bring him honor to him? Will he be happy with you and say... That's my girl! I love her and am well pleased with who she is becoming? This is what I want to be able to say!


Quick Notes...

Quick Notes...

A real quick note... I am stopping to state that certain posts are Quick Notes. They almost never are. Posts without pictures and that are not in scriptural sequence are ones that could be shorter and labeled such.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Genesis 12:10 - 20, Part 3: The Trouble with Beauty

The Trouble with Beauty

Genesis 12:14 & 15 When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was a very beautiful woman. And when Pharaoh's officials saw her, they praised her to Pharaoh, and she was taken into his palace.

Many women desire to be beautiful. Much money is spent on makeup to alter the way a person looks. There must be no blemishes or defects, the teeth must be pearly white, set perfectly straight, and the clothing must wow all who see, tempting them to see more. This is much of the civilized world today... but as we see this has always been the case. When a man looks, his natural desire is to see the beauty of the woman's physical body. Pharaoh, as did most kings, filled his harem with the most beautiful of the land. Solomon did the same. He had over 700 wives and 300 concubines to satisfy any whim of physical pleasure (1 Kings 11:3).

This response to physical beauty appears to be natural for men. I happen to come across this quote while searching for the verse address. It comes from a man who went to Alleghany college in Meadville, PA. It encompasses the condition of most who go to college and in everyday life for that matter. Here is an excerpt from his writing about his life... The hunt for perfection, in physical beauty, in dynamism, in intellect, and sexuality, became an ingrained part of the day. It was always there, unobserved and running in the background, dominated and delimited by an overwhelming desire to please. One encounter left behind just as easily as the next begun... Those whom I have met over the years, from high school to college to where I am now, have all been the same; they have the desire to see and touch physical beauty. The sad thing is that women are all too eager to entice them with it!

I have found that girls in high school worked to entice the guys. I thought that would go away, but it continues to be true at the work place. Schools have clothing regulations for the students... funny, the teachers are also guilty of the same violations but use a more professional attire. Of course, we see the same on TV and the in movies. Even women on news broadcasts allow themselves to become objects of beauty to entice the male audience. I know a young lady that thinks, and has posted on Facebook, that men ought to curb what they are thinking. They should just be taught to not see women as objects. It is not the women's job to dress modestly. They should be able to beautify or dress any way they want. Guys shouldn't think sexually. Such a foolish thought. Temptations are real for the saved as well as the sinner. Too many women want to entice a guy then expect him to control his imagination and actions once she has aroused him.

Daughters, I wasn't planning on going this way when I started writing, but here we are. You must take care in how you present yourself. Neither of you spend much time on making yourself pretty physically. That makes me pleased. I want you to look good, but there is a difference in being elegant and being hot. Being "hot" is a sexual term and must not be something you project in the way you act or dress or present yourself. There is a time when you will want to entice a man in this way but that is to be only when you are married and in the confines of privacy. Your mother and I have practiced this over the years for the most part. Sad to say, I pushed the envelope when first married and that was wrong! Do not make the same mistake. When others are around, dress with propriety. And, choose a man who will promote and stress the beauty of holiness as well.

There are two scriptures that mention this. One by Paul and the other by Peter. The one verse may leave how you beautify yourself open a tad, but the other is clear, even in various translations... Your beauty is to come from within, not in jewelry or in fancy hair, or clothing but with a pure heart and in good works. (I Tim 2:9 &10 & 1 Pet 3:3). The trouble with beauty is that it is fleeting, and charm, it is deceptive... So ladies, it comes down to this; fear the Lord, for that is the kind of daughter that brings me joy and one which I will praise! (Prov 31:30)


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Not so Quick Note: Sing A Hymn, Matt 26:30

Sing A Hymn

Matthew 26:30 When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the mount of Olives.

Jesus was about to hand himself over to the Jewish leaders. The disciples' feet had been washed, they partook of the first communion, and Judas was on his way to make the deal to sell out the Teacher. Before they left to go to the Mount of Olives, they paused to sing a hymn, and then they left.

Why sing? There are many reasons to do so. Sometimes we feel good and choose to express it through song. Other times we are sad, so we plead in our refrain for relief. There are also times that we want to set a tone for an event or meeting, so we sing. We might sing to honor someone lifting them up in song. We could go on proving how important singing is to life.

God created us to be in a relationship with him. Therefor, our music should draw us closer him and his ways. Even when we sing songs to each other, they must not go against our relationship with him. The music of the world works to destroy that relationship and pushes us to yearn for ungodliness. With self-gratifying and sensual piques of our thoughts and emotions, we can be fooled into walking a different path and following our natural desires in sinful ways.

K and A, music is not amoral. It has meaning and understanding. The meanings may alter over time but in the present, well crafted music accomplishes the mood and goals set out by the composer. It is not just the words! That is why most people who dance, can dance to secular music and to "christian" music alike and never sense God's displeasure. They honor beat and style of the music with their bodies, not their Creator and make the words secondary or even less. They seek to satisfy inner desires above heavenly ones.

Daughters, you know I am tight on music. I know I am too tight. I have gotten that way because the church is becoming more and more secularized. Most people in the church, I think this is a fair statement, most people listen to secular or worldly music and pay no mind to how it affects them. They hear some good, but the majority of the songs speak of ungodly relationships, sinful actions in relationship, or drinking and partying. Certainly, they do not espouse Biblical living; the lives God desires. I pray that both of you consider the harm that comes from listening to secular music.

So, sing a hymn today. Give your whole being to the Lord. May your songs lift and honor God and bring you into a closer relationship to Hymn.


Side note: here is what a song should do... Coming back from dropping a daughter off at college, I was listening to a Collingsworth family. The song touched my heart and poked at me and I cried... It gave me the desire to draw closer to God and live a more holy life. That is what a song should do!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Quick Note, Remember the Bones, Joshua 24:32

Remember the Bones

Joshua 24:32 And Joseph's bones which were brought up from Egypt, were buried at Shechem in the tract of land that Jacob bought for a hundred pieces of silver from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem. This became the inheritance of Joseph's descendants.

Have you ever forgotten to follow through with something you had promised? How likely is that to occur if the day you are to do it isn't until a long way off. Do you make notes, put it in your calendar, or tie a string on your finger? Before Joseph died, he had his family promise him that they would take his bones back to the Promise Land when God came to their aid (Ge 50:24 & 25).

Nearly 400 years later they remembered to do so. That is over ten generations! That is what you call following through with a promise. That is the kind of promise God desires of his people. He wants them to remember to love him, family after family, remembering to follow his commands found in his Word. God promises to bless our descendants if we are faithful to him to the third and the fourth generation. We must remember to draw near to God and show to our children the Way.

Daughters, do you remember to follow the commands of the Lord? This year the Brubakers will celebrate 300 years of living in America. They came here for religious freedom. Their homes and lands had been confiscated back in Switzerland, because they dared to live out the Bible instead of following the edicts of the corrupt church and the Pope. We have an heritage of righteousness that God has blessed generation after generation.

But sadly not all Brubakers continue this heritage of living out the Word. Some have turned and walk the wide road of sin and destruction. Others compromise and live like the world. This is contrary to the Word of God and to our heritage as well. Instead of questioning our lifestyle and keeping far from the world, many desire to blend in and become part of it. Ladies, one of you was born a Brubaker, the other has been adopted in. Both of you are children of the promise of God. Each will be blessed if you put the world behind you and remember to carry your families bones down the narrow road that leads to the ultimate Promise Land. Do whatever it takes to remember to live out the Word.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Genesis 12:10 - 20, Part 2: Never lie

Never Lie

Genesis 12:11 - 13 As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, "I know what a beautiful woman you are. When the Egyptians see you they will say, 'This is his wife.' they will kill me but will let you live. Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you."

Let's first set the facts straight; Sarai was Abram's sister. They had different mothers but the same father (Genesis 20:12). She spoke of Abram as her brother per his requests when they left his father and went out on their own. So, Abram did not ask his wife to lie, but found a way to stay alive in a land where they killed men and take the wives as their own.

In both the Old and New Testaments, God's heart is clearly seen on this subject; It is the ninth of the 10 Commandments and also condemned strongly in Revelation when God says that "All Liars" have their place in the Lake of Fire. There are many examples throughout the Bible showing what happens to those who deceive others. We all know many people who lie and think nothing of it, especially if it is done for a perceived good. But according to scripture, this must not be.

I read a story where a great man of God had to deal with this issue. ( I know, you can't believe that I read a story, but it's no lie.) Menno Simon (the founder of the Mennonites, no less) work diligently to be obedient to God, therefore he would not lie. The Catholic church was hunting him down for his stance and teachings against "the Church". Once, when he was riding on the stage coach, they were stopped at a crossing by some church guards who were searching for him. Sitting with the driver, they asked if Menno Simon was a passenger inside the stage. Being on the outside, he spun around and looked inside and asked if Menno was within. They said no, and he relayed the message to the guards. Satisfied, the guards allowed then to pass... apparently the guards had not seen his picture on Instagram.

K and A, how honest are you? Can you be trusted? Do you make up stories in order to keep from getting in trouble. Your lies will catch up to you. If you always tell the truth, you will never need to remember what you said. I know a father who put up a sign at the end of his son's bed, so he could be reminded not to lie. Lying is a difficult habit to break. Remember it is more than a habit... it is a sin! A non-confessed sin which will leads to eternal punishment in the burning Lake of Fire! Be careful not to commit so-called white lies. God says all liars will be punished. You don't have to lie when you have a surprise party for someone. Be clever and find a way to be truthful, so you can always be trusted. If God granted the wish of everyone who said "cross my heart and hope to die", this would be a much less populated country. As Jesus said, make your "yes be yes and your no, no. Then, you will never have to swear on your mother's grave for others to believe you. Tell the truth!


Friday, January 13, 2017

Quick Note: Cut Off, Numbers 15:30

Cut Off

Numbers 15:30 But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native born or alien, blasphemes the Lord, that person must be cut off from his people.

God is serious about sin. He abhors it, and it must be atoned for. God does not see all sins the same as some teach. Yes, sin separates from God and eventually leads to death (although there is sin that does not lead to death (1 Jn. 5:17), yet the contemporary church of today seems to accept sin as normal for the Christian. They group all wrongdoing together and say, we all sin. You have your sin and I have mine, but it is all under grace. This should not be! When we read the Old Testament, we see God's heart toward those who sin. John wrote in chapter 5 of his fist letter, if we see someone committing a minor sin, just pray that it be forgiven and God will do so. That matches the OT in Numbers 15 saying that when you sin unintentionally, you take a sin offering to the priest and God will hear and forgive. But, for those that sin defiantly, they are to be cut off and their guilt remains!

A and K, do not be confused at my writing and start rating sins to see if you are good enough to make it to Heaven. John also said in his letter that, he wrote it so you will not sin (1 Jn. 2:1). You have a responsibility to live holy lives, God calls you to it (1 Thes. 4:7). God hates sin, and in the believer, Paul states that to come back to him is to crucify and subject him to disgrace all over again (He. 6:6). Daughters, never take sin lightly. Don't be cut off, instead see how close you can get to God. There you will find peace and contentment, joy and elation, and love and acceptance. This is where you want to be!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Quick Note: Not Divided, Mark 3:25

Not Divided

Mark 3:25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

I could have entitled this post, Be One, except that I wanted to stress the fact that we must not be divided in our families. This scripture is directly related to Jesus not being from Satan but the truth Jesus spoke in relation to home being destroyed when there is infighting is too crucial not to address.

God has placed an authority structure in our world. God, Man, then Woman. To not follow this in the home, and in society, will be harmful. I was once asked by a college student, who was doing a paper for a class, how do you determine the choice you and your wife make when you can't come to an agreement. I told her that I decide. She did not like my answer. The social climate then was more Woman's Lib oriented back then. The social climate must not limit God's Word, nor should we allow our culture to do so. We are followers of the Word, and it clearly lays out the structure that God put into existence. To thwart his design is to pollute the plan he put together at the time of creation. It is not so much on who is in control, the stress is on who is held accountable for the decisions made.

Daughters, I have thought about this issue when I think about your future life with your husband. That decision, the one you marry, is so crucial. I have given my consent to one of you to marry. To the other you have yet to cross that hurdle (there are other hurdles before that one). You didn't have a choice over the first man in your life, but the one you will spend the rest of your life with is mainly yours to make. He will make many decisions that will greatly affect your life. If you fight against them, your house will be divided and will fall. I am talking extremes, in a way, but know the heartache that it will cause in the home and to your life and the life of your children if you there is division. As your father, I already have the feeling that I would support you over your husband, but then I realize that I must step to the side and remember that, when you marry, you leave your mother and I and become one with your husband. He then is responsible before God to lead you and your family toward righteousness, holiness, and eternal life. I take a back seat.

Ladies, I will always be here for you, but your future decisions are not mine nor are they yours alone. Choose well, for you do not want your house divided, rather you want it to stand firm forever for the Lord.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Quick Note: Set Free, Romans 6:22

Set Free

Romans 6:22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.

In 2 Corinthians it says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, or freedom... But what does that give us liberty to do? What are we free from? This verse in Romans makes it clear. We are not set free to live any way we choose. We are not free from human regulations. Paul set down all kinds of rules for the churches he visited. And this is the rule I lay down in all the churches. (1 Cor. 7:17). No, it isn't freedom to live like we desire, rather we are free to live as a slave to God, following his rules.

In verse 20 of chapter 6 it says that we were slaves to sin and free from the control righteousness. But because of the power of Christ's blood and the forgiveness of sins, we have been freed from sin so that we may become obedient to Christ and live in righteousness!

A and K, this is the great news of the Gospel! Jesus didn't save us in our sins, he saved us from our sins. John says in his letters that Christians leave their life of sin. You, daughters, have been freed from sin. You are to live in it no more. When you live as slaves to God - following his every desire written in the Word and spoken to you by his Spirit, you will reap a life of holiness and be granted eternal life. Live for the Lord, pleasing to him in all you think and do, and you will enjoy true freedom.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Quick Note: Forever Loved, Psalm 107:1

Forever Loved

Psalm 107: 1 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever.

How many ways is the Lord good... too numerous to count. But, here is one; God's love endures forever. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 John 4:10). God is not one who changes his mind on how he loves or how much he loves or even why he loves. God is love (1 John 4:19). Love is who he is. They are synonymous with each other and cannot be separated. In fact, without him, no one can truly love.

K and A, when you are feeling sad and lonely, know that Jesus is there for you. He feels your pain and knows how it hurts. Remember that he suffered in all ways even in the way you are suffering. Maybe you are like I was saying, I don't get what you are talking about. Sure, I hurt sometimes, even sad, but really, it's not that bad. If that's you, I'll tell you what Grandpa told me... Don't worry, someday, You Will. When that day comes, it will go much easier when you remember Jesus is there lifting you up, loving you, never leaving your side. He loves you, forever!

And so do I

Monday, January 9, 2017

Quick Note: Why Suffer, 2 Corinthians 1:3b & 4

Why Suffer

1 Corinthians 1:3b & 4 The Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we received from God.

Why do we suffer as Christians continues to be an on going question. Many outside the fold can't imagine why a loving God would allow his people to suffer. And, Christians, as a whole, do not want to accept the fact either. But over and over the Bible says that we will. This verse states just one of the reasons we do so; we suffer, so we can be comforted, so we can comfort others.

K and A, when you go through a tough time, God is there for you. The Father has sent his Holy Spirit to be with you. His name is Comforter. Rely on him to strengthen you in you rough times. Then as you see others who also suffer, comfort them. Together, you and the Holy Spirit will be a force for Godliness to witness about the love God has for everyone. God wants to use you in his kingdom work.


The Comforter Has Come, on Piano

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Genesis 12:10 - 20, Part 1: God Knows

God Knows

Genesis 12:10 Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was so severe.

Abram finally reached the place where God was to establish his family. No more did he begin to settle, he pitched his tent, when the land suffered a famine. It was so severe that Abram headed south to Egypt to survive. We do not know why God allowed the famine, but it appeared that Abram's plans were changing. This was not the case. The Lord took him to Egypt and was kind to him there and he received much wealth, possessions, and servants. Abram was in danger of being murdered in Egypt if someone was to steal his wife, but God worked out the complicated situation and together Sarai and Abram returned home much better off than when the famine began to ravage the land back in Canaan.

A and K, when the plans of life seem to fail, don't be so quick to jump ship. Allow God to work things out. Trust him and be willing to walk wherever he decides to take you. Remember that we see dimly, the picture of our lives, but God is fully aware of our circumstances. He will lead you along the narrow path of life if you are willing. Trust him, he knows what he is doing and you will be blessed if you are faithful to his leading.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 7: Go Ahead and Wait

Go Ahead and Wait

Genesis 12:9  Then Abram set out and continued toward the Negev

You Might Not Know How Life Works But God Does
Trust Him

God had told Abram to go to a land he would show him. Not knowing exactly where he was going, Abram obeyed and went in faith believing God would show him where he was to settle. Along the way, he rested under a tree, and God, who had appeared to him there, said that his offspring would be given the land of the Canaanites. But then, a famine came upon the land, and Abram had to leave for Egypt for the famine was so severe.

Wait... God tells Abram to go to a new land, but he won't tell him where he is going to end up... just trust me he says. Then, after he gets there, he says here's the spot, just kidding. I'm not sending any rain, so you'll have to move somewhere else. See ya.

Girls, can you trust God that he knows what he is doing? Can you trust him when it seems like what you believe he had called you to is stolen away, and now you are not sure where to go or what to do? Daughters, trust God. When I look back over my years, I can see God's hand leading and guiding. I understand completely the confusion the circumstances of life bring to your plans and on your relationship with Christ. I am living it now, and as I write this, it reinforces in my life the truth that he determines my steps (Prov. 16:9). Yes, you, like Abram, must obey and go when he says go, but you need also wait while you walk the path he has put you on. Continue to trust him each day, and one day too, you can look back and see how he has led to the place he called you.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Quick Note: Think About It, Philippians 4:8

Think About It

Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

I believe we become what we think about. When we begin to mull over something in our head, when we daydream about something or someone, we begin to live it out. Jesus said, if you lust over something in your heart it is as if you have lived it. If a person hates his brother, he us a murderer (1 John 3:15). But this truth is not all negative. You can become upstanding, qualified and successful the same way. And, when you start out with Christ, you can become pure, holy, obedient and live righteously by spending your time thinking of the good things of God mentioned in this verse.

K and A, be careful of the things you spend you time on. What do you listen to? What do you watch? Who do you take advice from? The music you hear, the movies or TV programs you watch, the people you follow on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, and Snapchat, and whatever other social media site will produce in you a outcome which will draw you closer or take you further away from Christ. Whenever you are having a problem in a certain area of life, with a bad habit or sin, it is because of the things you think about. Eve contemplated the fruit and the ideas through which Satan tempted her, and she sinned against God. The same will be true for you. Look again at this verse... then read the next verse. Commit yourself to living them out, for when you do, God's peace will fill your heart.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Quick Note: Why Are You Crying, John 20:15a

Why Are You Crying

John 20:15a "Woman," he said, "Why are you crying. Who is it you are looking for?"

Mary Magdalene saw that Jesus was not in the tomb and thought someone had taken her Teacher, her Lord. She was heart broken, for the one she loved was gone. But God had not forsaken her. He was working in the situation, and he had it all under his control. Jesus had been mocked,  whipped, and crucified. He had died, and it appeared that all that was hoped for was lost, and now the body was stolen away... But it wasn't so! The man speaking to Mary was Jesus himself. God had not forsaken his son nor his followers. God turned Mary's tears of sadness into joy!

A and K, God promises to be with his people through all their trials and struggles. In life, some have more than others, but the same God will supply all their needs. As you live your life for him, he will lift and guide you. You may not understand at the time why you go through the hardships you have, but God says, never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. He says to be strong and courageous and to be content with what you have, not setting your heart on money and what it can buy. For it cannot buy love or contentment, fulfilment or joy. Don't cry, my daughters, for even when we cannot sense him, Jesus is with you.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Not So Quick Note: Not All Are Holy, Number 16:3

Not All Are Holy

Numbers 16:3 They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them, "You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, everyone of the them, and the Lord is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord's assembly?"

I could have titled this, Just Because You Praise God Doesn't Mean You are Holy, but that would be a bit long. It does quickly get to my point. I was a at special church seminar years back when the leader made this statement: When people come into my church, I let anyone praise the Lord. They don't have to be Christians. God accepts praise from anyone. And that has become today's church.

God expects his people to be holy. We put people into leadership positions knowing they are marginal Christians at best, but because they have great leadership skills, we allow them to lead God's people. We sing praise songs promoting the holiness of God, yet are not living holy lives and have no intentions to do so.

Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. Ps 24:3&4

Sure, God wants all persons everywhere to praise him in the assembly. But just because you are there, it does not give you the right to do so. He expects us to be holy, striving to be like him with all our body, soul, and mind.

I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. 1 Tim. 2:8

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30

Daughters, you must not pretend you are Christians. Many are attending church and praising and dancing before the Lord, but they have no intension on serving him or plan on changing their lifestyles for him. It is true that God accepts the repentant sinner who comes to him like they are. But the key word is repentant... they first change their mindset - I give myself to Jesus to allow him to be Lord of my life, then they enter the narrow gate and walk the narrow road, becoming new creations leaving the old behind and hanging on to what is new. Not all are holy, but you can be. It is a choice... your choice. A and K, choose holiness, choose the way of Christ, then you will climb the mountain of the Lord and praise him out of the depths of your heart. And the sweetness of the Spirit will flood your soul.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Quick Note: Hated by the World, John 15:18

Hated by the World

John 15:18 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.

The world is the playground of Satan. He is the ruler of it, and those who live for it belong to him. If anyone contradicts the world, the world will hate them and ostracize them and caste them out. Certainly, if they hated Jesus, they will hate his followers. We should not act in ways that forces the world to hate us, but when they are convicted by the Holy Spirit of their evil ways, it will be natural for them to have disdain for us. Today the church teaches that we should act in ways which causes the world to love and accept us. All too often this has led to compromising the Scriptures. If the world loves us, we need to check if we are becoming one of them (vs 19).

Ladies, when you feel the hurt of being hated, when you are left out and pushed to the side because you live different than the ways of the world, stand tall. You do not have to be arrogant and strike back. Jesus was not like that. He knew who he was and confidently withstood the abuse. We are called to love those that hate us. As you live out the commands of Christ and get close to him, you will find this possible.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Quick Note: What I Want

What I Want

Psalm 27:4 One thing I ask of the Lord, This is what I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.

We have just come through the Christmas season. A time to reflect on Christ's birth, but also a time of giving gifts... well, most think of it as a time of getting gifts. The question is always posed, what do you want for Christmas. Many volunteer the information, especially spoiled children. They say, a Kindle Fire or maybe a Roku, A new Lego set or a new game, how about an Apple 7 plus so many things to choose from...

K and A, what did you want for Christmas? David wanted to be with the Lord, to be in his house, to seek him and stand in awe of his beauty. Instead of desiring the physical things of life, yearn to be filled with the joy of God's salvation, reach out and receive the gift of God's love. Christ want to be with you. Go where he can found. Make room for him in all of your life. Remember you are to be the temple of the Holy Spirit, ask him this one thing... "dwell, Holy Spirit, in my heart." His presence will be the best gift you ever received.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Quick Note: Be Separate in 2017

Be Separate in 2017

2 Corinthians 6:17a "Therefore come out from them and be separate," says the Lord...

Happy New Year!!
Here we are in the year 2017. You cannot turn back the clock to redo 2016, it is history! But you can look back and think about what you have done and why you've done them, but you cannot change what you have done. Yet, in reviewing the past, you can see the way ahead more clearly. The things you have done wrong, any sins you have committed, all the thing you wish you could have done can be forgiven, and God can deliver you and make you new. God is willing to make the old fresh and new

In the verses leading up to verse 17, Paul tells the people of Corinth to make sure they do not get yoked together with unbelievers. This would be true in business relationships, close friendships, and of course, marriage. Paul was saying that our close relationships will not only affect who we are but whose we are! It is that serious. I have been writing recently about the beginning of man, and we see how Eve affected Adam; it caused him to be thrown out of the garden! You see, those you associate with have an profound effect on your life.

Daughters, as I opened the Bible this morning this is the section God laid before me. So, I give it to you as well. In 2017, keep yourself from evil. Flee temptations. Do not give the Devil a foothold. Separate yourself from wicked acts that are found among those of the world. What do we have in common with the world? God will not be yours if you live like the world. You will fall away and in the end you will be punished, sent to the lake of fire with them. :<(

Instead join with those who belong to the light. They will lift you up and help you to be obedient to the ways of the Lord. There you will find joy and peace for God will walk with you and sustain you. Then, this year will bring blessings no matter what trouble you experience, and in the end you will be separated from that which tears you down and will be given the opportunity to reign with Christ forever! Truly making this a Happy New Year.
