Saturday, January 28, 2017

Genesis 13:1 - 4, Back To Where You Started

Back To Where You Started

Genesis 13:3 & 4 From the Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier and where he had first built an altar to the Lord. There Abram called on the name of the Lord.

After the dry spell was over, Abram left Egypt and headed back to the land of Canaan. He meandered around a bit then returned to the place where he had built an altar to the Lord. There he met with God once again.

At times in our life, it seems as if we have spiritual droughts. To survive, we leave the place where we had experienced God in search of fulfilling food. All too often, this trek outside where God had put us leads us to the camp of the enemy. At first, we are afraid and fear what might take place. But time passes, and the people seem to like us, so we settle in. We are given much that appeals to us and life appears to go well. We are fitting in and the evil that once gave trepidation now gives fulfilment. Fortunately, God is faithful and causes those who at first accepted us with open arms, to reject us. We are forced to leave. We meander for a bit then decide to go back home, to the place where we first got close to God, In that place, we worshipped him, and he communed with us. Once back home, we connect with our Lord again and are filled with the love we once knew. It is as sweet as we remembered it to be.

K and A, there are no vacations from being Christian. If you aren't consistently serving God, it will bring a separation that will only grow wider. Purpose in your heart and mind that you will walk with him always. At times a spiritual drought may come in your life. This is caused by not continually walking with the Lord. It is then when you must search him out, but do not go to the world to fulfill your hunger. It is not pleasure you are missing, it is God. Be leery of the calls for spiritual candy. This may give you a quick burst of energy but will lead to a weak soul and a sapping of your strength. Instead, come back home. Eat the meat of God's word and be filled with the food that strengthen and fills your soul. God will be there waiting to commune with you! (Rev. 3:20)


Song for you: The Lord is My Shepherd  Sing it to yourself as a round

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