Sunday, January 8, 2017

Genesis 12:10 - 20, Part 1: God Knows

God Knows

Genesis 12:10 Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was so severe.

Abram finally reached the place where God was to establish his family. No more did he begin to settle, he pitched his tent, when the land suffered a famine. It was so severe that Abram headed south to Egypt to survive. We do not know why God allowed the famine, but it appeared that Abram's plans were changing. This was not the case. The Lord took him to Egypt and was kind to him there and he received much wealth, possessions, and servants. Abram was in danger of being murdered in Egypt if someone was to steal his wife, but God worked out the complicated situation and together Sarai and Abram returned home much better off than when the famine began to ravage the land back in Canaan.

A and K, when the plans of life seem to fail, don't be so quick to jump ship. Allow God to work things out. Trust him and be willing to walk wherever he decides to take you. Remember that we see dimly, the picture of our lives, but God is fully aware of our circumstances. He will lead you along the narrow path of life if you are willing. Trust him, he knows what he is doing and you will be blessed if you are faithful to his leading.


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