Saturday, January 21, 2017

Well Pleased, Luke 3:22

Well Pleased

Luke 3:22, And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

John, not the revelator, was in the Jordan River baptizing those who had heard his message. They stood confessing their sins and were baptized. They desired to change the way they were living and prepare their lives for the coming of the Messiah for, although he had come to earth, he had not yet began his ministry. Then Jesus, the promised Messiah, appeared. He too was baptized by John. Not that he had sins to confess, but, as he stated, it was to fulfill all righteousness.

God, the Father, was pleased with his son. He watched him grow and develop into a man, although he was divinity. He was soon to begin the work of his Father who had sent him. This brought joy to his father, so much so that he sent a visible sign and called down from heaven for all to hear... You are my son, whom I love. With you I am well pleased! He was willing to acknowledge before all who would listen that Jesus was his son, and unashamedly loved him. Jesus' willingness to live out his father's desires brought God contentment. His son's life brought him honor and respect.

K and A, Paul says that honoring your father and your mother is the first commandment with a promise (Eph. 6:2). Do you want your life to go well, then listen to the Godly wisdom of your parents. This is true, not only while young, but as you get old. Consider that Jesus was 30 years old when he brought honor to the Father through the act of baptism. Jesus put selfish ambitions aside to follow the will of his father.

It is our will for you, daughters, to listen to the wisdom and direction we have given each of you. Mother and I desire you to follow God and be wholly dedicated to him. The Bible can be taken literal as it describes what is right and wrong, good and evil. God's cares, but he also chastens. He loves, but he also destroys. Certain lifestyles and actions bring everlasting punishment. Redemption is possible for all but not all will not receive it! The choice is yours.

Will you bring your father joy throughout your days and years ahead? Will your life bring him honor to him? Will he be happy with you and say... That's my girl! I love her and am well pleased with who she is becoming? This is what I want to be able to say!


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