Sunday, January 29, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 1: Infighting Destroys

Infighting Destroys

Genesis 13:7 And quarrelling arose between Abram's herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot. The Canaanites and the Perizzites were also living in the Land.

Lot's family had been travelling with Abram, but the time came when it was difficult to do so. Limited natural resources made daily life difficult to manage and the herdsmen of each family began to fight over what was available. The tensions between families started to destroy their relationship.

Who hasn't had an argument? Whether it is in the family or between friends or co-workers, squabbles and disputes lead to altercations. But, what causes them?... selfishness! There are "triggers" that spark the arguments, but the problems lie within our selfish hearts. When we put our desires before the needs of others, we look at life differently. Each decision begins and ends with what benefits us instead any concern for the other person or group. If others do not benefit or even suffer for us to get ahead, it is the price that must be paid. This happens individually, in families, or even in churches. Success is defined by getting ahead.

K and A, foolish arguments never solve anything. They just produce quarrels, and the people of God must never be quarrelsome (2 Tim. 2:23). When there are quarrels in your home, a division forms between you and your spouse. Soon the marriage weakens and is in danger of dissolving. With the mindset of today's culture, it is likely to do so quickly. The results caused by selfishness is true no matter the participants. It will be true between your children or among those with whom you work.

So, how can you avoid this infighting from happening and destroying your relationships? Each side must be dedicated to the success of the other person, absolutely no selfishness! Look out for the interests of the other person. Think of others better than yourself (Phil. 2:3 & 4). It begins with you, and the result will be peace in the home or in any relationship. You can do this, daughters. Yield to the control of the Spirit, and it will be who you are.


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