Sunday, January 1, 2017

Quick Note: Be Separate in 2017

Be Separate in 2017

2 Corinthians 6:17a "Therefore come out from them and be separate," says the Lord...

Happy New Year!!
Here we are in the year 2017. You cannot turn back the clock to redo 2016, it is history! But you can look back and think about what you have done and why you've done them, but you cannot change what you have done. Yet, in reviewing the past, you can see the way ahead more clearly. The things you have done wrong, any sins you have committed, all the thing you wish you could have done can be forgiven, and God can deliver you and make you new. God is willing to make the old fresh and new

In the verses leading up to verse 17, Paul tells the people of Corinth to make sure they do not get yoked together with unbelievers. This would be true in business relationships, close friendships, and of course, marriage. Paul was saying that our close relationships will not only affect who we are but whose we are! It is that serious. I have been writing recently about the beginning of man, and we see how Eve affected Adam; it caused him to be thrown out of the garden! You see, those you associate with have an profound effect on your life.

Daughters, as I opened the Bible this morning this is the section God laid before me. So, I give it to you as well. In 2017, keep yourself from evil. Flee temptations. Do not give the Devil a foothold. Separate yourself from wicked acts that are found among those of the world. What do we have in common with the world? God will not be yours if you live like the world. You will fall away and in the end you will be punished, sent to the lake of fire with them. :<(

Instead join with those who belong to the light. They will lift you up and help you to be obedient to the ways of the Lord. There you will find joy and peace for God will walk with you and sustain you. Then, this year will bring blessings no matter what trouble you experience, and in the end you will be separated from that which tears you down and will be given the opportunity to reign with Christ forever! Truly making this a Happy New Year.


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