Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Quick Note, Remember the Bones, Joshua 24:32

Remember the Bones

Joshua 24:32 And Joseph's bones which were brought up from Egypt, were buried at Shechem in the tract of land that Jacob bought for a hundred pieces of silver from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem. This became the inheritance of Joseph's descendants.

Have you ever forgotten to follow through with something you had promised? How likely is that to occur if the day you are to do it isn't until a long way off. Do you make notes, put it in your calendar, or tie a string on your finger? Before Joseph died, he had his family promise him that they would take his bones back to the Promise Land when God came to their aid (Ge 50:24 & 25).

Nearly 400 years later they remembered to do so. That is over ten generations! That is what you call following through with a promise. That is the kind of promise God desires of his people. He wants them to remember to love him, family after family, remembering to follow his commands found in his Word. God promises to bless our descendants if we are faithful to him to the third and the fourth generation. We must remember to draw near to God and show to our children the Way.

Daughters, do you remember to follow the commands of the Lord? This year the Brubakers will celebrate 300 years of living in America. They came here for religious freedom. Their homes and lands had been confiscated back in Switzerland, because they dared to live out the Bible instead of following the edicts of the corrupt church and the Pope. We have an heritage of righteousness that God has blessed generation after generation.

But sadly not all Brubakers continue this heritage of living out the Word. Some have turned and walk the wide road of sin and destruction. Others compromise and live like the world. This is contrary to the Word of God and to our heritage as well. Instead of questioning our lifestyle and keeping far from the world, many desire to blend in and become part of it. Ladies, one of you was born a Brubaker, the other has been adopted in. Both of you are children of the promise of God. Each will be blessed if you put the world behind you and remember to carry your families bones down the narrow road that leads to the ultimate Promise Land. Do whatever it takes to remember to live out the Word.


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