Thursday, January 12, 2017

Quick Note: Not Divided, Mark 3:25

Not Divided

Mark 3:25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

I could have entitled this post, Be One, except that I wanted to stress the fact that we must not be divided in our families. This scripture is directly related to Jesus not being from Satan but the truth Jesus spoke in relation to home being destroyed when there is infighting is too crucial not to address.

God has placed an authority structure in our world. God, Man, then Woman. To not follow this in the home, and in society, will be harmful. I was once asked by a college student, who was doing a paper for a class, how do you determine the choice you and your wife make when you can't come to an agreement. I told her that I decide. She did not like my answer. The social climate then was more Woman's Lib oriented back then. The social climate must not limit God's Word, nor should we allow our culture to do so. We are followers of the Word, and it clearly lays out the structure that God put into existence. To thwart his design is to pollute the plan he put together at the time of creation. It is not so much on who is in control, the stress is on who is held accountable for the decisions made.

Daughters, I have thought about this issue when I think about your future life with your husband. That decision, the one you marry, is so crucial. I have given my consent to one of you to marry. To the other you have yet to cross that hurdle (there are other hurdles before that one). You didn't have a choice over the first man in your life, but the one you will spend the rest of your life with is mainly yours to make. He will make many decisions that will greatly affect your life. If you fight against them, your house will be divided and will fall. I am talking extremes, in a way, but know the heartache that it will cause in the home and to your life and the life of your children if you there is division. As your father, I already have the feeling that I would support you over your husband, but then I realize that I must step to the side and remember that, when you marry, you leave your mother and I and become one with your husband. He then is responsible before God to lead you and your family toward righteousness, holiness, and eternal life. I take a back seat.

Ladies, I will always be here for you, but your future decisions are not mine nor are they yours alone. Choose well, for you do not want your house divided, rather you want it to stand firm forever for the Lord.


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