Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Quick Note: Hated by the World, John 15:18

Hated by the World

John 15:18 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.

The world is the playground of Satan. He is the ruler of it, and those who live for it belong to him. If anyone contradicts the world, the world will hate them and ostracize them and caste them out. Certainly, if they hated Jesus, they will hate his followers. We should not act in ways that forces the world to hate us, but when they are convicted by the Holy Spirit of their evil ways, it will be natural for them to have disdain for us. Today the church teaches that we should act in ways which causes the world to love and accept us. All too often this has led to compromising the Scriptures. If the world loves us, we need to check if we are becoming one of them (vs 19).

Ladies, when you feel the hurt of being hated, when you are left out and pushed to the side because you live different than the ways of the world, stand tall. You do not have to be arrogant and strike back. Jesus was not like that. He knew who he was and confidently withstood the abuse. We are called to love those that hate us. As you live out the commands of Christ and get close to him, you will find this possible.


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