Saturday, January 7, 2017

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 7: Go Ahead and Wait

Go Ahead and Wait

Genesis 12:9  Then Abram set out and continued toward the Negev

You Might Not Know How Life Works But God Does
Trust Him

God had told Abram to go to a land he would show him. Not knowing exactly where he was going, Abram obeyed and went in faith believing God would show him where he was to settle. Along the way, he rested under a tree, and God, who had appeared to him there, said that his offspring would be given the land of the Canaanites. But then, a famine came upon the land, and Abram had to leave for Egypt for the famine was so severe.

Wait... God tells Abram to go to a new land, but he won't tell him where he is going to end up... just trust me he says. Then, after he gets there, he says here's the spot, just kidding. I'm not sending any rain, so you'll have to move somewhere else. See ya.

Girls, can you trust God that he knows what he is doing? Can you trust him when it seems like what you believe he had called you to is stolen away, and now you are not sure where to go or what to do? Daughters, trust God. When I look back over my years, I can see God's hand leading and guiding. I understand completely the confusion the circumstances of life bring to your plans and on your relationship with Christ. I am living it now, and as I write this, it reinforces in my life the truth that he determines my steps (Prov. 16:9). Yes, you, like Abram, must obey and go when he says go, but you need also wait while you walk the path he has put you on. Continue to trust him each day, and one day too, you can look back and see how he has led to the place he called you.


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