Monday, January 16, 2017

Genesis 12:10 - 20, Part 2: Never lie

Never Lie

Genesis 12:11 - 13 As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, "I know what a beautiful woman you are. When the Egyptians see you they will say, 'This is his wife.' they will kill me but will let you live. Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you."

Let's first set the facts straight; Sarai was Abram's sister. They had different mothers but the same father (Genesis 20:12). She spoke of Abram as her brother per his requests when they left his father and went out on their own. So, Abram did not ask his wife to lie, but found a way to stay alive in a land where they killed men and take the wives as their own.

In both the Old and New Testaments, God's heart is clearly seen on this subject; It is the ninth of the 10 Commandments and also condemned strongly in Revelation when God says that "All Liars" have their place in the Lake of Fire. There are many examples throughout the Bible showing what happens to those who deceive others. We all know many people who lie and think nothing of it, especially if it is done for a perceived good. But according to scripture, this must not be.

I read a story where a great man of God had to deal with this issue. ( I know, you can't believe that I read a story, but it's no lie.) Menno Simon (the founder of the Mennonites, no less) work diligently to be obedient to God, therefore he would not lie. The Catholic church was hunting him down for his stance and teachings against "the Church". Once, when he was riding on the stage coach, they were stopped at a crossing by some church guards who were searching for him. Sitting with the driver, they asked if Menno Simon was a passenger inside the stage. Being on the outside, he spun around and looked inside and asked if Menno was within. They said no, and he relayed the message to the guards. Satisfied, the guards allowed then to pass... apparently the guards had not seen his picture on Instagram.

K and A, how honest are you? Can you be trusted? Do you make up stories in order to keep from getting in trouble. Your lies will catch up to you. If you always tell the truth, you will never need to remember what you said. I know a father who put up a sign at the end of his son's bed, so he could be reminded not to lie. Lying is a difficult habit to break. Remember it is more than a habit... it is a sin! A non-confessed sin which will leads to eternal punishment in the burning Lake of Fire! Be careful not to commit so-called white lies. God says all liars will be punished. You don't have to lie when you have a surprise party for someone. Be clever and find a way to be truthful, so you can always be trusted. If God granted the wish of everyone who said "cross my heart and hope to die", this would be a much less populated country. As Jesus said, make your "yes be yes and your no, no. Then, you will never have to swear on your mother's grave for others to believe you. Tell the truth!


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