Friday, January 13, 2017

Quick Note: Cut Off, Numbers 15:30

Cut Off

Numbers 15:30 But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native born or alien, blasphemes the Lord, that person must be cut off from his people.

God is serious about sin. He abhors it, and it must be atoned for. God does not see all sins the same as some teach. Yes, sin separates from God and eventually leads to death (although there is sin that does not lead to death (1 Jn. 5:17), yet the contemporary church of today seems to accept sin as normal for the Christian. They group all wrongdoing together and say, we all sin. You have your sin and I have mine, but it is all under grace. This should not be! When we read the Old Testament, we see God's heart toward those who sin. John wrote in chapter 5 of his fist letter, if we see someone committing a minor sin, just pray that it be forgiven and God will do so. That matches the OT in Numbers 15 saying that when you sin unintentionally, you take a sin offering to the priest and God will hear and forgive. But, for those that sin defiantly, they are to be cut off and their guilt remains!

A and K, do not be confused at my writing and start rating sins to see if you are good enough to make it to Heaven. John also said in his letter that, he wrote it so you will not sin (1 Jn. 2:1). You have a responsibility to live holy lives, God calls you to it (1 Thes. 4:7). God hates sin, and in the believer, Paul states that to come back to him is to crucify and subject him to disgrace all over again (He. 6:6). Daughters, never take sin lightly. Don't be cut off, instead see how close you can get to God. There you will find peace and contentment, joy and elation, and love and acceptance. This is where you want to be!


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