Thursday, January 5, 2017

Quick Note: Why Are You Crying, John 20:15a

Why Are You Crying

John 20:15a "Woman," he said, "Why are you crying. Who is it you are looking for?"

Mary Magdalene saw that Jesus was not in the tomb and thought someone had taken her Teacher, her Lord. She was heart broken, for the one she loved was gone. But God had not forsaken her. He was working in the situation, and he had it all under his control. Jesus had been mocked,  whipped, and crucified. He had died, and it appeared that all that was hoped for was lost, and now the body was stolen away... But it wasn't so! The man speaking to Mary was Jesus himself. God had not forsaken his son nor his followers. God turned Mary's tears of sadness into joy!

A and K, God promises to be with his people through all their trials and struggles. In life, some have more than others, but the same God will supply all their needs. As you live your life for him, he will lift and guide you. You may not understand at the time why you go through the hardships you have, but God says, never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. He says to be strong and courageous and to be content with what you have, not setting your heart on money and what it can buy. For it cannot buy love or contentment, fulfilment or joy. Don't cry, my daughters, for even when we cannot sense him, Jesus is with you.


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