Friday, January 6, 2017

Quick Note: Think About It, Philippians 4:8

Think About It

Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

I believe we become what we think about. When we begin to mull over something in our head, when we daydream about something or someone, we begin to live it out. Jesus said, if you lust over something in your heart it is as if you have lived it. If a person hates his brother, he us a murderer (1 John 3:15). But this truth is not all negative. You can become upstanding, qualified and successful the same way. And, when you start out with Christ, you can become pure, holy, obedient and live righteously by spending your time thinking of the good things of God mentioned in this verse.

K and A, be careful of the things you spend you time on. What do you listen to? What do you watch? Who do you take advice from? The music you hear, the movies or TV programs you watch, the people you follow on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, and Snapchat, and whatever other social media site will produce in you a outcome which will draw you closer or take you further away from Christ. Whenever you are having a problem in a certain area of life, with a bad habit or sin, it is because of the things you think about. Eve contemplated the fruit and the ideas through which Satan tempted her, and she sinned against God. The same will be true for you. Look again at this verse... then read the next verse. Commit yourself to living them out, for when you do, God's peace will fill your heart.


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