Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Not so Quick Note: Sing A Hymn, Matt 26:30

Sing A Hymn

Matthew 26:30 When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the mount of Olives.

Jesus was about to hand himself over to the Jewish leaders. The disciples' feet had been washed, they partook of the first communion, and Judas was on his way to make the deal to sell out the Teacher. Before they left to go to the Mount of Olives, they paused to sing a hymn, and then they left.

Why sing? There are many reasons to do so. Sometimes we feel good and choose to express it through song. Other times we are sad, so we plead in our refrain for relief. There are also times that we want to set a tone for an event or meeting, so we sing. We might sing to honor someone lifting them up in song. We could go on proving how important singing is to life.

God created us to be in a relationship with him. Therefor, our music should draw us closer him and his ways. Even when we sing songs to each other, they must not go against our relationship with him. The music of the world works to destroy that relationship and pushes us to yearn for ungodliness. With self-gratifying and sensual piques of our thoughts and emotions, we can be fooled into walking a different path and following our natural desires in sinful ways.

K and A, music is not amoral. It has meaning and understanding. The meanings may alter over time but in the present, well crafted music accomplishes the mood and goals set out by the composer. It is not just the words! That is why most people who dance, can dance to secular music and to "christian" music alike and never sense God's displeasure. They honor beat and style of the music with their bodies, not their Creator and make the words secondary or even less. They seek to satisfy inner desires above heavenly ones.

Daughters, you know I am tight on music. I know I am too tight. I have gotten that way because the church is becoming more and more secularized. Most people in the church, I think this is a fair statement, most people listen to secular or worldly music and pay no mind to how it affects them. They hear some good, but the majority of the songs speak of ungodly relationships, sinful actions in relationship, or drinking and partying. Certainly, they do not espouse Biblical living; the lives God desires. I pray that both of you consider the harm that comes from listening to secular music.

So, sing a hymn today. Give your whole being to the Lord. May your songs lift and honor God and bring you into a closer relationship to Hymn.


Side note: here is what a song should do... Coming back from dropping a daughter off at college, I was listening to a Collingsworth family. The song touched my heart and poked at me and I cried... It gave me the desire to draw closer to God and live a more holy life. That is what a song should do!

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