Sunday, January 22, 2017

Genesis 12:10 - 20, Part 4: Blessings Anyway

Blessings Anyway

Genesis 12:20 Then Pharaoh gave orders about Abram to his men, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and everything he had.

While in Egypt, Abram was blessed by God because of Sari. He acquired sheep, and cattle and donkeys. The also was given man and maid servants. Meanwhile, Sarai was taken into the harem of the Pharaoh. This could have been an ungodly place to be, but God protected her and cursed the Pharaoh and his household. When Pharaoh determined the cause of the serious diseases, he summoned Abram and demanded he take his wife and leave... He did so!

It is important to say we cannot know how innocent Abram is here. Was Abram trying to save himself and just using Sarai or was this God's hand at work, a way to protect the two from certain destruction. What we do know is this... God protected both Sarai and Abram, and despite the trying state, a untimely trip, a famine ravaged land, and threat from a mighty power which could take everything you owned including your wife, God blessed Abram.

A and K, God has called each of you. Where you are to end up, you or I may not yet understand, but keep serving the Lord and be faithful to his word. He will bless you beyond what you can imagine. He will strengthen your soul and renew your mind. Blessing will come your way for he diligently rewards those that seek and follow him (Heb. 11:6). Despite the hardships you see, look for his hand of blessing. It is there despite the tough time you may be experiencing.


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