Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Build your House, Proverbs 14:1

Build Your House

Proverbs 14:1 The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Wisdom is gained through fear of the Lord and knowledge of his ways (Pr. 9:10). We cannot expect to live pleasing to the Lord in this age of Christian compromise if we do not possess the wisdom of God. With wisdom, we can see through the lies which Satan uses to fool us into believing that living like the world will help us win others to Christ. Sure, they will not think we are odd and stuck in some past generational black hole sucking all out sensibility, but we will become like them and begin to compromise out beliefs. We are not called to be like them! We are call to a different lifestyle.

The wisdom we gain through knowledge in Christ, knowing his commands and those of his father found in the Word, will enable us to build upon the Rock of our Salvation. Being saved is not the end of a journey. Rather, it is the beginning of a daily walk with God our savior. As we continue to build our faith in him, he leads us along which causes us to build a strong and lasting structure that is impenetrable to the attacks of the enemy.

A and K, how is your building project going? Is your design different than the world's? Do you use their materials to stabilize its structure? If so, it will be like the house built upon the sand and will surely fall when the winds of the trials of life blow by (Matt 7:24+   Song).

Now this verse also speaks of something I have not yet mentioned... the sadness I have seen when a person foolishly removes the pillars of faith that were built into her life while she was young. Do not be like so many who leave the truths of the Word to follow "new" ways and so weaken their spiritual lives. This will certainly cause heartache and a pulling away from God. Instead, strengthen what was given, build upon it, and what you have been given. It will make your house even more glorious, more beautiful than you can imagine.


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