Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Let Others Catch You, 1 Timothy 5:25

Let Others Catch You

1 Timothy 5:25 In the same way, good deeds are obvious, and even though those that are not cannot be hidden.

What a great thought for the New Year: Let Others Catch You!

Daughters, I never heard the saying Be sure your good deeds will find you out, but it's true! People see the good you do but never tell you. They are obvious and are a blessing to others. So in this New Year do good to others. It will not go unnoticed.

I prefer doing good deeds like those in Matthew 25, doing them as a result of a need, and it is fun to do them in secret. One winter many years ago, your mother and I stopped at an old widow's house in Ickesburg and cleaned all the snow off her car and took off quickly... She never knew. But, it wasn't hidden from God, he caught us. What a great thing to be caught doing... something good.


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