Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Reminder 6: Believers Were Once Sinners, Titus 3:3

Reminder 6: Believers Were Once Sinners

Titus 3:3 At one time, we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived, and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.

I know this title is contrary to most of what is preached today; We all sin in thought, word, and deed every day and I have heard some say that they can't go one minute without sinning... That is a sad. Like I have said many times, the Bible teaches that we are to live holy lives free from sin. But that is not my focus for today. I want to go back to before we were Christians..

I have been told at various times in life that I just can't live a life like you, you're too perfect. They act like I was born a Christian or something and never had to experience temptation. Paul reminds us that we all were born into sin, no matter our family name or spiritual heritage. We lived in disobedience, did foolish things, our minds were deceived and all kinds of evil passions and pleasures were part of our lives. The sin within us caused us to hate and envy others. No one is born pure. Sin was our natural desire from the beginning.

K and A, I certainly don't want you to think that you are stuck in your sin, but never be so vain to think that you are above it. You were born in sin, and even if you did not do all the bad things others have done, you still were lost and headed for hell. Never look at others and think, I could never be like that. For, it matters not where you have grow up, what church you have attended, how pure of a life you have been living... today is another day. One where you must choose and answer the question, will I live for God today? The sinful nature is real. It will creep into your life, if you become haughty and proud, thinking you cannot fall, surely destruction will come on you. Remember, you were once a sinner too! Be grateful to Jesus for making the way of salvation clear to you.


Monday, April 29, 2019

Reminder 5: Show True Humility

Reminder 5: Show True Humility

Titus 3:2 to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.

There are three thoughts here to what Titus was to remind the people of.
  1. That they are to show humility
  2. That humility is to be shown to all, men and
  3. That our humility is to be real not pretend
Daughters, a previous pastor at our church once said, if you wonder whether you are humble or not, you aren't. I had to think about that for a bit... Humility is something you are, not something you do. It is a character trait of a true believer, a natural outworking of your salvation and holiness in Christ. You cannot not portray humility and seek to take advantage of others, that is selfishness. Humility is the opposite. It is selflessness. Think more highly of others than you do of yourself. Put their needs before your own and seek to aid them in succeeding. A life of service is what you are called to. Serve Christ by serving others and you will live out humility in your life.


Reminder 4: Be Considerate, Titus 3:2

Reminder 4: Be Considerate

Titus 3:2 to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.

Paul had said in in a similar way in Romans 12, Live at peace with all men, as far as it depends on you. In Hebrews, he said, make every effort to live in peace. It is obvious that we have the responsibility to make peace with others even if the are causing trouble. Didn't Jesus say the same thing when he said, if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other?

K and A, the main thought here is not that you are to be kind to others when they are kind to you. No, it is that you are to be kind and considerate to those that despise you and try to make your life miserable. Certainly you cannot control what they do, but you can control your response.

It reminds me of a comment a customer made years back when he thought we had broken a glass door in his house. He was a rich man and son of the owner of Rite Aid at the time. After "burring me out" on the phone, as you mother would say, he told me that he could make my life very miserable. I wanted to tell him that was not true. Miserable is a feeling and that is a choice I had to make.

You see others can only do things to you, you choose how you respond. Choose to be kind and considerate.


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Reminder 3: Do Not Slander, Titus 3:2

Reminder 3: Do Not Slander

Titus 3:2 to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.

It is a common thing to slander those who have treated you badly. Certainly, there are some people who slander any and every one. You need to be careful what you say around those type of people or you'll be next! Here, we see it is not acceptable to slander anyone no matter how they treated you. We are to act in a manner that is consistent with the character of Christ, who loved even the ones crucifying him.

K and A, when someone has hurt you or taken advantage of you in some way, it is easy say nasty things about them. As you do, it is easy to start adding to the story and cut them down with comments that aren't even true. As a believer in Christ, you are to love those that hate you, to pray for them and build them up. Be careful to keep from destroying another person even when they are trying to destroy you or your character.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Reminder 2: Do Good, Titus 3:1

Reminder 2: Do Good

Titus 3:1 
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good

There are many in the church and on religious TV and radio programs that teach that a Christian does not have anything to do. Works have nothing to do with salvation, they say. How foolish! God is good. That makes Jesus good, soooo... it makes sense to me that if we are to be like Jesus, then we will do good like he did. David said that and wanted God to teach him to be good. Many think, as Christians, we are stuck in our sin and evil is just part of being human. But, to that David says to turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. Even his son, Solomon, said not to hold back from doing good to those who deserve it.

Some might say that those examples are from the Old Testament stuff, before the age of grace. I would wholeheartedly agree, for with the age of grace came the Spirit of grace, who empowers his people to do right and not sin. Remember what James said... those who know the good they ought to do and do not do it, sin. Paul encouraged the Galatians to do good to everyone, especially their brothers and sisters in the Lord. Even Jesus himself said, to do good to those that hate you. It is quite obvious that doing good is salvation lived out.

K and A, love others. Love those who despise you by, not only by praying for them, but doing good things for them... especially in their time of need. A few months ago, a guy at work fell and broke his bone just below his hip. When he was in deep pain in Hershey Med, your mother and I visited him. Now, he is back to work, and he sent me a text thanking me for coming to visit. He said you'll never understand how much that means to him...  Daughters, be ready to do whatever is good, showing the love of Christ to all.


PS... Your mother went over to a couple's place yesterday and mowed their lawn for them while they were away overseas to their son's wedding. Imagine the joy they had when they returned home... Be like your mom... she's special!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Reminder 1: Obedient To Rulers, Titus 3:1

Reminder 1: Obedient To Rulers

Titus 3:1 
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good

Why should we, as Christians, be subject to non-Christians who know little to nothing of God's morals. Yet, this is our call. We are told by Jesus to give unto Caesar what is Caesars. Paul said, that we are to be in subjection to governing authorities, because they are established by God. He also said that we should pray for them, so we can live a quiet life. After all, they do not bear the sword for no reason. There are other rulers that we have as well; parents - whom we are to honor, a spouse - who may be a non-believer, and to bosses - Peter says even to harsh masters (Yes, I'm relating employees to slaves, bosses to masters).

K and A, the Scriptures are quite clear when it comes to obeying your authorities. This is true whether they are godly or evil. They have been given to us to bless and care for us. Let me relate a story on following man's rules when they seem pointless...

I was in a vehicle around 5 years back when I needed to make a left turn into a store. It would have been easy and safe to do, but there was a sign - No Left Turn! I exclaimed to the person with me, that I would need to go down the road, do a U-turn, and turn in from the other direction. I was urged by my passenger to just turn left. I refused and they ridiculed and scoffed at me saying something like so you always the road sign... I said, I try to. They snapped, knowing my driving techniques... well, how about the speed limit signs. I had to consider that... I had obeyed them when it was convenient, but I had become more and more lax in my obedience and it had become rare for it to be convenient... I resolved that day to keep my speed within the 10mph limit they police allow. To this day, I seek to follow that... save the road to our house and in emergencies. If I catch myself  not following that, I think of the rebuke I got that day and slow down.

Daughters, years back at church, we had a video by a very prolific teacher, pastor, speaker and book writer; pretty sound theologically, really. Yet, the comment he made still perturbs me. It went something like this...

when you go down a road and you see a one-way street sign what is the first though that comes to your mind? Well, to my mind it is, I wonder where the other one-way street so I can go that way. He said the first thing you think is that you want to turn down that street. If it says keep off the grass, you want to walk on the grass. If it says don't touch, you want to touch it. No! That's contrary to what God expects!

K and A, if those are your first thoughts, then you have a spiritual problem. That is opposite to Christ's expectations for his followers. You are called to be obedient, not only to the Word of God, but to the rules of our leaders. Why, because that is what the Word of God says and the rules are there for our protection. It should be your nature to be obedient!


Special note: You should understand that when the rules are contrary to God's commands and principles, you must obey God rather than man! That is not the discussion in this verse, though. I don't get why people don't want to follow the rules!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Reminded Of The Truth, Titus 3:1-2

Reminded Of The Truth

Titus 3:1-2 Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good,   to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.

If we are going to remain true to Christ, we must be reminded of the truths of Scripture. Certainly, that isn't our only need, yet it is a major requirement.

As I have been away from doing electrical for the past 4 years, I have seen a decline in my abilities, a decline in my knowledge, and in my sharpness as an electrician. I forget the rules, I forget the names and part numbers of the material that I would use... no, I haven't forgotten all of what I learned. No, what has happened is that my edge is gone. It is easy to make mistakes, I may have to look things up in the code instead of them being ready in my mind. All hope is not gone, I don't have to quit. I just need to get back into the work, if I want to be considered an qualified electrician.

K and A, it is the same for you as a Christian. If you are not continually going to a Bible preaching church on Sundays, if you think you can miss Sunday School and mid week service and not be affected, you're wrong. If you think you do not need personal Bible focused devotions and serious prayer, you're wrong. Spend time with the Lord. Spend time in his Word. Allow those times to remind you of all that Christianity is. If not, you will loose your edge, your sharpness as a believer. You'll be like a past tense electrician, slow and non productive, always wondering if you are doing it right. But, if you are constantly reminded of the sustaining truths of Scripture, you will grow and flourish in your faith and be productive in your walk with the Lord.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Never Finished, Titus 3

Never Finished

Titus 3:15c Grace be with you all.

Hello Daughters. I was working through Titus at the end of last school year and just wrote random post over the summer. When I picked back up I did not go back and finish Titus but started with 1st Timothy.  Starting tomorrow, I will resume writing from the book of Titus where I left off; the first verse of chapter 3.

I plan to continue writing these forever-Dad posts through the end of the school year. By that time, if I am diligent, I should be over 1000 posts since I began this blog for you. I pray they have been beneficial to you. May God's grace fill you through and through as we close out this school year.

Work hard, Do well, Excel!


Monday, April 22, 2019

A Birthday Wish, 2 Timothy 4:22

A Birthday Wish

2 Timothy 4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. grace be with you.

These are believed to be the last words by Paul found written in the Bible. The Lord be with your spirit, grace be with you... is there any better desire we can have for someone we love? To have the Spirit of God commune with our spirit is the best it gets on this side of eternity. Immanuel, God with us the desire of mankind, the desire of all creation. The way it was in the beginning, the way it will be in eternity, the way it can be for all those who believe on the name  of the Lord Jesus Christ!

K, notice where the verse is from... 4:22. I write this on 4/22/2019, your 24th birthday. It is my desire that the lord will be with your spirit and his grace will be upon your life. Serve him throughout your whole life. Never shy back from doing what is right. Live as an example for others to follow for they will watch how you live. Walk the road of purity and holiness until you meet Christ on the other side.

A, this is my desire for you even if it not your birthday. Serve the Lord with gladness and peace in your heart. Never bow to the pressure of the world. You be the pressure for doing what is right and just. Be Christ to others!

My birthday wish for you... that you sense the presence of God close to you today and every day you live. May each day be happy, not just your birthday!


Caring About Others 2 Timothy 4:19-21

Caring About Others

2 Timothy 4:19-21 Greet Pricilla, and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus. Erastus stayed in Corinth, and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus. Do your best to get here before winter. Eubulus greets you, and so do Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers.

Paul ends his letter thinking about people. Paul knew that the gospel is about people, because Christ is about people. Jesus cared for others and so do believers. We must greet each other in the name of the Lord, with a holy kiss Paul declares. Paul was looking forward to seeing Timothy again and so were the brothers and sisters in Christ.

A and K, do you desire fellowship with other believers. That is a characteristic of true believers. They love and care for each other. You cannot serve God in your own little world. We are a family and we help each other. In the church it is will be like in your own family... you won't always get along, but you will continue to love and forgive or you are not truly His. Never give up on meeting together. Set your heart on being in Sunday school and church. When you are home or when you travel, go to church and enjoy the kinship of other believers. The church will hold a special place in your life.


Safe In Jesus, 2 Timothy 4:18

Safef In Jesus

2 Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory for ever and ever.

What does it mean to be safe in the arms of Jesus? Does it mean no problems, no confrontation physical or otherwise? Does it mean that no one can stop us, that the message of Christ will go forward without persecution, pain, or death? Those are almost silly questions. Christ said that in this life you will have troubles. He said that if they hated him they will hate us as well. We also know that most of the apostles were martyred. Then, why would Paul say such a thing? Why did he say that he would be delivered from every evil attack? - he wasn't! Or was he?

Paul lived believing that, and here is the key; the Lord would protect him until his work on earth was done. It was not that he would not suffer harm... but that no matter where he was, no matter how he was treated, the message of Christ would be proclaimed. Despite beatings, he preached, despite ridicule he preached. He would continue to be used by God until his time on earth was complete, and that day came... soon after he wrote his passage. He is believed to have been beheaded by the Romans... then he made his way safely to the heavenly kingdom!

K and A, there will be some rough times. Just yesterday many Sri Lankan churches were attacked and over 200 believers lost their lives. They made their way to the heavenly kingdom! Sad? Yes. Was God absent, no! Our life here on earth is just a grain of sand in the hourglass of eternity. It is worth serving God, for your soul is safe in Jesus.


  Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Never Alone, 2 Timothy 4:16-17

Never Alone

2 Timothy 4:16-17 At my first defense no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But, the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth.

Standing up for Christ can be a lonely place. Often, people can see that which is happening is wrong. They want to take a stand but cannot do so on their own. As people join together, it becomes easier, and together, they find they can make a difference. But, all too often, even the most caring, devoted people fail at the point of confrontation and shy back from speaking out. Here is a case in point:

Years back, I was on church board, and we were having issues with the way the pastor was leading the congregation. The bishop was called in to discuss the issue. I had met with a group of members and we decided I would talk and bring up the issues, and they would support my statements with their own accounts... at the meeting the Bishop inquired about the matters. Sadly, he allowed the pastor to be there. yet I spoke up, but to my surprise, no one else said a thing... The issue was not corrected. After the meeting, the others came to me separately and said how thankful they were that I had approached the issues. I felt a little like Paul, happy I stood up, but sad they abandoned me when I needed them most.

So, why this story, K and A? Because, there will be times when you know others agree with you, but none of them will come beside you to stand with you. Stand anyway! For, the Lord will be there, right beside you. You will not be alone! God will be with you and the Spirit will give you the words you need to speak. You are never alone.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Relax, Don't Strike Back, 2 Timothy 4:14

Relax, Don't Strike Back

2 Timothy 4:14 Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too, should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message.

It is a common and natural human response to fight back. It is a Christ like act to refrain. Jesus taught us to love and forgive. In the Sermon on the Mount, he said, "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." That is not only counter-cultural, but counter to the natural desire of humans or animals. Yet, it is what Jesus did and what he calls us to. Of course, like any other blanket statement, there are some exceptions, but with those, we must be careful to follow Christ's example. We become indignant when others take advantage of us. We desire to take revenge and lash out at them for their unkind or mean act.

But God says, it is mine to avenge, I will repay. Notice how Paul lived this out in his relationship with the metalworker. Even though he strongly fought against Paul and his message, Paul waited upon the Lord for payback. He knew that in due time, the metalworker would get his just dues.

K and A, people are so quick to take revenge, or to hold grudges. But, you are called to be like Christ who, in his darkest hour, did not call on a legion of angels to protect him. No, he took the slaps, and the beard pulling, the lashes with bone and sticking of thorns in his head, and finally the pounding of the nails in his hands and feet, he took all that and said... Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. That his how you should be! Willing to forgive and willing to receive them back as friend.

Most likely you never be asked to go to the extremes as Christ did. But when you are taken advantage of in some way, no matter how minor, relax and let God respond in due time.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Opposition Will Come, 2 timothy 4:14

Opposition will Come

2 Timothy 4:14 Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too, should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message.

I heard the question wondering if, when the names we use to describe ourselves as Christians  become ridiculed or despised by the world, should we change them? The response by Ravi Zacharias (RZIM) was, what would be the point, they would just attack the next title we chose. They are not attacking us but our message, he said. Paul had the same problem... opposition to his message.

When we live a life that exemplifies Jesus, we will be opposed. They may condemn us or our message or both. We should expect that to happen. People will not love us because we are Christians when it is opposite to what they believe. It happened to Jesus, and it will happen to us.

K and A, if you suffer for doing wrong, that's your own fault, and you should feel bad. But, if you suffer opposition because of your living according to the Bible, deal with it knowing that Christ had suffered for you. It is an honor to suffer for him. You are not of the world, so people will not understand you, and some will directly oppose you. Keep to the Word, and live according to it. Do not compromise to get along, for you should expect opposition to come.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

It's What's Important, 2 Timothy 4:13

It's What's Important

2 Timothy 4:13 When you come, bring the cloak I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments.

Some of the "facts" here are probabilities and cannot be verified 100% denoted by an *

What would miss most, if it was left behind? I think that the phone would be the most missed item for people today. For Paul, it was two things... his cloak - the dungeon certainly was damp and cold, and his parchments - his letters and scriptures*. Okay, I hear it now, but my Bible is on my phone. True, but that wasn't why you missed your phone.

It seems today, that the Word of God is not held to be as precious as it once was. I can remember when the Bible was not just another book or just something you took along to church on Sunday. You handled it with care. It was never tossed or thrown around. It was placed down with thought. This was done so, for what was contained in it was precious as well. After all, it was God's Word not just the Bible! His words are sweet to the taste, nourishing to the soul. They can make you wise and will revive your relationship with God!

K and A, how much importance do you place on God's Word? Is it precious to you? Do you revere it above all else, above Netflix, Pinterest, and Twitter? It is much better for you to surf the Word than surf the net. There you will find the sweet words of hope and contentment. Choose to make it the go-to source for your daily escape. It will refresh your soul and lift your spirits and revive your walk with God. Take it with you wherever you go. Never leave it behind! It's what's most important!


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Friends Are So Important, 2 Timothy 4:9-12

Friends Are So Important

2 Timothy 4:9&11 Do your best to come to me quickly... Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is so helpful to me in my ministry.

It appears that Paul was nearing the time of his death. He mentions in verse 6 that the time has come for my departure. As Paul ends this letter to Timothy, his son in the Lord, you sense a content yet somber tone. In these verses, he does what is natural in somber occasions; he reached out to his closest friends. Pity the person who has no one to pick them up when they are down.

It appeared Paul had one person left to accompany him during his time of arrest in the dungeon. His name was Luke, the writer of Luke and Acts. So, in his second letter to Timothy, he finishes it with a call for Timothy to come see him and to bring along Mark. Paul was not alone just because some deserted him, it was also because he had sent others out to minister to the churches he had started in Asia Minor. Yet, the sense here is that Paul, in his time of need, missed Timothy and Mark and wanted to see them before he died. Apparently, it wasn't long after this that Paul was beheaded by order of Emperor Nero (common belief).

K and A, do you have a close spiritual friend? I hope so. They are so important. Your spouse should be a close spiritual friend, but I encourage you to seek another friend(s) as well. They must be spiritually sound, one knowing and following the basics truths of the Word while desiring an ever deeper relationship with Christ. Together, you will keep strong in the faith, and, in your hardest trials, you will lift and support each other. It is so important to have spiritually strong friends whom you can turn to in times of stress and distress. I encourage you to form that friendship.


  Deeper, Deeper
  Deeper, Deeper (piano version)

Monday, April 15, 2019

Crown Of Rightesouness, 2 Timothy 4:8

Crown Of Righteousness

2 Timothy 4:8 Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Who longs for the executioner to come? Why would anyone want the that kind of person to show up? We do not often refer to Jesus as the Judge who will come with fire in his eyes to make war. But that is who he will one day be. Scary... for those not ready to meet him. But, that is not the case for those whose names are written in the book of life. (Read Rev 19:11 - 20:15).

Those who long for the appearing of Christ are confident in Christ their savior. Now, not all who call Lord, Lord are his, but he knows who are his, and we also know if we belong to him for his Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are his. Many have fooled themselves into thinking they do not need to turn from wickedness to be a follower and are confident they are Christians, but if they would examine themselves, if they would test their "salvation" to see if they are truly in the faith, they would know for sure! Then, there would be no fear of Christ's return or fear of death for that matter. Death should be a glorious occasion. For, with death and Christ's return comes the culmination of our salvation, the right to partake of the tree of life. Christ will return and place on our heads the crown of righteousness and give us our reward according to what each has done!

K and A, isn't that what you strive for. Living for Christ is worth it all! All the pleasure of the world pale in comparison. They are fodder to be trampled on, worthless junk, fools gold, not worth the promises they claim. Seek first the kingdom of God, serve him with all your heart, body, and soul, forsake the pleasures of the world and all the blessing of Christ will be yours! So, keep your clothes clean, do not let them become soiled with sin and in the end, he will place that crown of righteousness on your head, well done!


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Keep The Faith, 2 Timothy 4:6-7

Keep The Faith

2 Timothy 4:6-7 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Salvation is not once and done... it is a lifetime of service which culminates with the return of Christ and the judgement. It is, therefor, most important to remain in Christ's love as we live here on earth. We must continue fighting against the spiritual powers of darkness as we cling to the one who has overcome their attacks. We can be successful in our walk with Christ, We can keep the faith and finish the race strong!

K and A, you have started on a journey to your heavenly land. When you get there you will join a throng of people happy to see Jesus. On the journey it will be filled with good and bad times... persevere through it all. Fight the good fight and keep the faith so you can finish the race. See you there.


  A Little Nearer Home (some day you will be old too)

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Keep Your Head, 2 Timothy 4:5

Keep Your Head

2 Timothy 4:5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all your duties of your ministries.

Paul is beginning to wrap up his letter to Timothy. He knows first hand how rough it is to be an evangelist and a spiritual leader of a church. In the midst of reaching out and preaching, in the difficulties of discipling and helping other to grow in the Lord... there is opposition. This is natural, for there is a struggle between those living for Christ and the world around them. Although this struggle involves people, the real struggle is not between us and them. It is between God and the spiritual forces of evil. But through it all, Timothy needed to carry on.

K and A, in the midst of an evil world, through the struggles of daily life, you must continue to love and serve God. It is not good enough to say that you have been saved - forgiven from sin. You must live for him and do his work. In all you do, keep you head! Think and consider the final outcome of sin and of righteousness. No matter how tough it becomes, know that it is worth it all to serve Jesus.


  It Will Be Worth It All

Friday, April 12, 2019

Post Truth Era, 2 Timothy 4:4

Post Truth Era

2 Timothy 4:4 They will turn their ears away from truth and turn aside to myths

I heard, just yesterday, that we are living in the Post-Truth Era. And it makes sense. You never know if what you see, hear or read is actually true. Here is a true quote... "You can't believe everything on the internet," Abe Lincoln. It seems like you can't believe anyone no matter how trustworthy they appear. I also remember a commercial where a "French model" said "bonjour". Seemed credible - not!

We call it the post-truth area, because people purposely tell falsehoods as truth to get their agenda across. It is like the ends justify the means. People want to live their own way, yet they want to be accepted so the deny truth - like your gender can be determined by how you feel on a certain day - as if that changes your DNA or something. We lie about the viability of an unborn child, whether we need vaccines, and that man can control the weather and save the world from destruction.

Well, we find in this verse, it has always been a problem. But, in my lifetime, it has never been so rampant. People say stuff that isn't true to each other to push their agendas forward. It happens in churches as well. They want to live their own way, yet they want to be accepted by God, So they lie... to themselves and to other believers. They turn from truth, make up new standards, and live how they want. Then they push it on others, so they can live without the guilt that comes from disobedience.

K and A, do not lie; not to yourself, not to others. Let your yes be yes and your no, no. This is the command of Christ. And, be careful not to change the truth to fit what you want to believe, to live as you want to live. Read the Bible for what it says. Be careful of the claims that state the commands of Christ, or the apostles, or any where in Scripture, Old or New, are cultural. The worldly church has defamed the truths of the Bible and led many astray. But you, keep your ears to the truth and verify everything by the Word of God!


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Itchy Ears, 2 Timothy 4:3

Itchy Ears

2 Timothy 4:3 For a time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. They will gather around them teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

As we discussed last time, many in the church today do not want to be part of a church that pushes a doctrinal statement... it is too restrictive, too exclusive. Why chase people away from God and force them to adhere to a list of rules? A doctrine is not a list of rules. It is a statement of belief, a recognition that God has standards and order. God is not wishy washy. You can count on what he says. What has been written about him has happened and what he promises will happen! Not only that, but that it will happen to those whom he promises them too, good or bad!

Today, like throughout all of time, people reject God 's standards because they are contrary to what they want to do. The Lord had a particular standard for offerings, but Cain chose not to do it God's way. So, when God was not satisfied with his offering but looked on Abel's with favor, Cain became very angry and killed his brother - like that would change God mind and his offering would now be acceptable. Samson was given great strength and God' declared never to cut his hair. But Samson became careless and gave up his strength for the pleasure of a woman. In Israel's time the Ark of the Covenant was to be transported by carrying on poles by the priests, but they chose to do so by oxen and when Uzzah reached out to steady it, God struck him dead!

There are other Biblical examples and many examples of those around us in which they have chosen not to listen to God and chose to listen to others and suffered for it. In the church, Paul says this will happen when we choose to go to the church that best fits our style, that preaches the message with which we are most comfortable, when it doesn't condemn our way of living. We go where the preacher says what our itching ears what to hear.

K and A, there comes times in your life when you will decide where to go to church and what rules to follow. Choose one that teaches from the Word of God, choose one where the preacher uses words to expound on the Word. Be careful when they use the Word to support their words. I write these posts not for you to feel like everything in your life is just fine, but for you to compare your life to the truths of the Word so you may live a life pleasing to the Lord. Never try to get God, or others, to accept your way of thinking, make your way of thinking acceptable to God. It is tempting and common to search for scriptures that support our desires. Never fall into that trap. Develop desires that support what God has said in his Word. Be itching to follow his way.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What Doctrine, 2 Timothy 4:3

What Doctrine

2 Timothy 4:3 For a time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. They will gather around them teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

I use the word doctrine loosely in the following paragraph. Here, I refer mostly to the practices and morals of the church and not the doctrine of salvation. But, as we have learned over the last nearly 70 years is that when you change your morals and practices, you also change your doctrine of salvation...

I have seen great change in the church over my lifetime. It started before my time in the 50's. The church began to say... who are we to tell the world how to live. We are too dogmatic, expecting those around us to change. Then in the 60's, we said... who are we to tell our church people what to do, We are too dogmatic, making people change just because they are in the church. When we got to the 70's, the love and free movement was in full swing and we said... who are we to tell the youth what to do. We are too dogmatic, making them act like us adults. Along came the 80's and we said, who are we to tell our children what to do, we are too dogmatic, can't we let them decide what path to take. They will see what best? And in the 90's we began to look at the church itself and said... we are too dogmatic, why do we have rules and spiritual practices, everyone can decide for themselves. Let's just all get along. We can each worship in our own way. Now we are in the 2000's and it's a free for all!

 K and A, The doctrine of the church sure has changed, so much so that you often cannot differentiate between the world and the church. Just last night, I was in a room with two self-proclaimed Christians who were discussing drinking and partying. The one talked about the struggles of paying for her daughter's sex change to become a guy, always referring to her as a he. They also talked about the struggles of her with living with her boyfriend... remember, they claim Christ... because he had cheated on her. They also talked about the need to retain a grudge when someone had turned them in for something minor and they got in trouble, saying I'll never be her friend again.

Daughter's stick to the Word. Things certainly change in world, but God's Word never changes. It is eternal! Encourage others around you to follow it with you, but if they won't, do not give in. You can maintain a doctrine of holiness. it is your choice. You will need to forfeit the pleasures of the world, but as you do, you will find that the pleasures of the Word are filling. They are truly satisfying!


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

To The Work, 2 Timothy 4:2

To The Work

2 Timothy4:2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction.

One more day on this verse... I wanted to talk about this phrase, Preach The Word. It is very special to me. If you have been at Saville BiC church in Pennsylvania, it is displayed on the stained glass window in the front of the church. I first saw it when I was little and have done so many times since. It is on a ribbon in the mouth of a dove. Further down on the window is another phrase. It says: Thou Hast The Words Of Life Eternal. These two phrases go together well and have always intrigued me...

Today the projector screen is usually covering part of it. those listening to the sermon do not see it. In fact, the preacher no longer stands beneath it. Despite being of utmost importance, it is hidden from view and from most people's minds. But, I know it is there! And it still affects me. You see, one day I felt God calling me to preach and those words cut to my heart. So, when I think of those words, I think of God's calling. It seems like such a long time ago, back in the 90's.

The call seems so far removed, now... I spent years feeling God moving me in that direction. I even took some directed studies towards that goal. Then God moved me into teaching and I felt I was where God wanted me... maybe this was my church, my students, all students my parishioners?

But then, it all fell apart. I lost my job and my contact with my students. Part of losing my job was my fault, some not. Now, to some extent, I am lost, confused. What was the call I heard? If I messed up the opportunity, would it ever return? Where does God wanat me now?

Within the last month, I heard the voice again. You know, that quiet voice that somehow you know is the Spirit talking. I said, where ever you want me... if you want me... if you can direct me... I am willing.

K and A, I believe God calls each believer to a work. Maybe that's an odd way to phrase it... but it reminds me of a hymn - to the work, to the work... I'm sure there's more to it. In the simplest of words, God has something for you to do. You may be confused on what that is, but he still has one for you. You may even see him reshape the goal into something different than what you first heard. As long as it is him doing the molding, that's okay. The key thing to remember is that you must be willing to go whereever and whenever he calls. Never reject the work he has for you to do!

Daughters, I am not sure how God will use you to preach the word, but I am convinced that he will use you as you are willing and yield to his call.

One last thing... when I was younger than you are now, in my teenage years and in my early twenties, there was a popular saying: God has a perfect plan for you life. Well, that is a crazy thought to me today. I tried hard to find that plan. Along the way, I could not find it, then one day I figured it out... If God had a perfect plan for me, I already messed it up, because I am not perfect and certainly haven't followed him perfectly despite that being my goal.

You are not perfect, either, neither one of you. You can probably think of ways you have messed up God's plan in your short life. There are things you should not have done, people you should have witnessed to better, and a life that should have exemplified him more, and you didn't. Remember that God takes you from where you are and is able to not only purify you use you again. Faithfulness starts begins today. Begin again, recommit your life to him, today for he has a work for you to do!


Monday, April 8, 2019

The Charge, 2 Timothy 4:2

The Charge

2 Timothy4:2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction.

As a leader, Timothy was not to sit idly by and allow the church to take on its own style and belief system. He was not there to make sure everyone got along and experienced God in their own way. He was to speak the truth in love and teach the people how to live. He needed to patiently instruct them in the way of the Lord. Paul's charge to him was to Preach the Word, Correct, Rebuke, and Encourage. Timothy was to act like a parent to the people in the church. He was to love them, teach them, correct them and if necessary, rebuke them and set them straight.

In churches today, we shy away from such actions. We are afraid we will hurt someone's feelings and they will reject the church and God. So, the beliefs of the past are not followed today. We see in this verse, that the Word is not subject to the interpretation of the "Christian", rather the truths of the Word must be taught and followed. Certainly, there are added convictions that one person may have others do not, but there are specific truths that must be taught and followed... If the Scriptures say it, we need to follow it. We must be very careful not to minimize the Word of God by saying everything we do not want to follow was for the culture of that day!

K and A, times do change things. Pulling the ox out of the ditch on the Sabbath doesn't happen too often, but maybe pushing a car out of a snow bank on a Sunday does. The principle still applies. The charge I give you is the same as Paul's... to your family, future or not; Preach the Word! Know what is in it, so you apply it to your daily life. Do not make excuses for your children just because they are yours. Many people have had "convictions" of things not to do until their children wanted to do it, or their spouse or boyfriend wanted to. Then they altered the Scripture to suit their own desires. So, I call on you to stick to the Word. Teach what it says. Correct and even rebuke those to whom you are a leader, your own children or your Sunday school class. But, be careful to do so with encouragement not as executioner. For, you too are subject to the same Word you teach.


Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Charge to Live, 2 Timothy 4:1

A Charge To Live

2 Timothy 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

Paul had told Timothy to be a workman approved by God. He was to remain faithful to his call and to take a stand against godlessness. He warned him about those who would rise up in the church to teach falsehoods and work to get others to do the same. After all this, Paul says... I give you this charge... (we'll save the specific charge for next time...) I give you this charge he says... And as you contemplate your calling, keep in mind that Jesus knows you, he is your judge, and he will return one day. This charge Paul was about to give was of great importance. His task would affect the souls of many into eternity. When Jesus returns, he will establish his kingdom and sit and judge all peoples of the world. Many of their destinies would be determined through Timothy's faithfulness.

K and A, the destinies of many also lie in your hands. If you are not faithful to God and his call, they may never make it to the kingdom and will be lost for eternity. I know that is a heavy statement, but it is true. Live out the charge you have been given, do the good you know to do, for it is a eternal importance to you and to others!


  A Charge To Keep I Have (Old Wesley Hymn)

Jesus Will Return, 2 Timothy 4:1

Jesus Will Return

2 Timothy 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

We know that Jesus knows all, and we know that one day he will judge all. He will return some day and both the living and those that have preceded them in death will stand before the Judge to give an accounting of what has been done in the body. Then, he will separate the good from the bad and send the bad to everlasting torment.

But, that is not the only reason for his return. No, He is coming back in the clouds to meet those who know him. He will come and take them to be with him forever. In the last day, he will create a new heaven and a new earth, and his people shall be with him forever.

K and A, Christ shall appear one day, arriving on the clouds, coming for you! You will be called by the trumpet to meet him in the air! Jesus knows you and is coming for you. You have been washed by the blood of the Lamb and will be separated out from the rest to be with him in glory. Keep your clothes clean so that you have the right to live forever!


Jesus Knows, 2 Timothy 4:1

Jesus Knows

2 Timothy 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

Jesus went up into Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father. And one day, those that have believed on Jesus shall go to be with him forever. We will be in the presence of God. What a joyous and wonderful time!

But what about now?... Jesus is back with the Father but we are left here. :(   That sounds sad... but it is not! For,even now, we are in the presence of God. When Jesus left, he went back to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. We are now in the presence of Jesus here on earth. We can be assured that he is here, for he promised to send the Spirit. He is here. When we do wrong , he is here to convict us, so we know the difference between sin and righteousness and choose not to fall into judgement. We can trust him to guide us into truth.

K and A, be assured that Jesus knows all. You are in his presence, right here, right now. When you do good, he knows and is pleased. When you do wrong, he knows and will convict you of your sin. You may think he leaves it slide, but do not think for a moment that he did see or that he doesn't care. He does. Do what is right and just. Care about other's needs. Reach out to help them both physically and spiritually. Jesus knows what how you love and serve others and will reward you for it, both here and in eternity.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Jesus Our Judge, 2 Timothy 4:1

Jesus Our Judge

2 Timothy 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

And the charge is... will discuss that next time. Today, we need to discuss our loving God, the one who reached out to us when we could care less about him, the one who was willing to look past out sin and love us before we loved him, the one who died for us even though we were rebellious. Yes this is the one whom we will discuss. Jesus was and is all that, yet he will also, one day be our judge. This loving, patient, friend, who is willing to forgive what we have done against him and his father, this same person, will be the Judge of all. That day, he will not excuse our wrongs, he will not reach out any longer. That day he will judge what we have done, and that day we will either enter into his joys or be thrown into the lake of fire!

K and A, Heaven and Hell are real! How you respond to Christ now will determine where you end up on that day. Jesus, the judge, is part of his character. You must never forget that. The teaching of today is that this loving God would not send people to hell, or that if you just accept him, you're good to go forever. Do not be fooled. Matthew 25 tell you how you will be judged, according to what you have done for him and in Revelations 20, if your name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life. Remember it is not just a once and done prayer of salvation... it is a life surrendered to Christ. Remain in his love, daughters, and he will remain in you through eternity!


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Thoroughly Equipped, 2 Timothy 3:17

Thoroughly Equipped

2 Timothy 3:17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

It's faith. It s all about faith. It is faith plus nothing. Nothing but faith! I have heard that erroneously  preached and talked about way too often. Sad, because Scripture is full of examples and statements and commands that require Christians to work for the night is coming, to do the will of the Father. Good works are the sign of our faith. They go hand in hand. If you do not have good works, your faith is dead. This is why righteousness is so important, for right living equips us for every good work. Doing what is right enables us to do good for others. That is the a major outworking of our faith... serving others by helping them in their time of need, whatever it may be. The more we are equipped, the more ways we can help those in need.

A and K, prepare yourself to do good works. You are created by God to do just that! Preparation comes through living a righteous life. If you aren't good on the inside, you cannot be good on the outside. Consider the needs of others and be Christ to them. Carry their burdens. Love them. Help where you can. The more thoroughly you prepare, the more ways you can help!


  Work for the Night is Coming
  Work for the Night is Coming (in case you prefer English)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

God's Word Is Useful, 2 Timothy 3:16

God's Word Is Useful

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness

When the Bible talks about the Scripture, it is referring to the Old Testament. Today we equate the canonized New Testament to the Old, and believe it also is the Word of God. There were certain qualifiers placed on the books that would be included in what we call the Ne Testament. You can find other "lost" books out there, and they have many good teaching and truths, but they did not pass the test to be included. Just because they were claimed to be written by Godly first century followers of Christ, those books did not pass the test. There are a lot of godly books written by great men of the faith today, yet we certainly do not include them as God's Word.

That said, the Old and New Testament have been shown reliable, and we believe them to be inerrant in their original forms. We can trust them to make us wise for salvation. But we also use it to show us how live out our faith. In this verse, Paul was referring specifically to the Old Testament. What is the Old Testament good for?... For:
  • Teaching us how to live our lives for Christ
  • Rebuking us so we know we are doing wrong
  • Correcting our ways so we change our actions and do right
  • Training us so we avoid sin in the future
A and K, many people avoid the Old Testament. You would be foolish to do so. In there lies the heart of God. Christ did not come to earth to abolish the teachings of the Old Testament, he came to fulfil them! You must take the Old Testament in light of the New Testament. Remember that they are not opposing texts but complimentary ones. God did not wake up one day and say, I've changed my character. Throw all that old stuff out. I want to try something new. No, he uses the characters and situation of the past to teach us how to live. God does not change his mind like man. He continues to love mankind, reach out to us, desires to free us, provides a way for us, communes with us, and will one day will be with us forever. Sadly that is only true for some. I pray it is true for you. It will be, if you use all of the Bible to teach you how to walk in righteousness.


Monday, April 1, 2019

Born A Christian - NOT, 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Born A Christian - NOT

2 Timothy 3-15 and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

There are some people who think that because their parents are Christians or that they grew up in church and went through catechism, they too are Christians. Well, as it has been said, God doesn't have any grandchildren. The Scriptures only make you wise for salvation. They do not save you. It matters not how early in your life you heard the Good News or how often you have done so, salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, believing that he alone paid the price for your sins. No heritage nor any amount of memorized Scripture can save you. It is a personal decision you commit to. One that is to be lived out everyday.

A and K, each of you have chosen Jesus as the way of salvation. Good choice! In fact, that is the only choice to make if you want your sins forgiven and you want to live with Christ forever. You had an advantage over more than 95% of the people in the world. You grew up in a Christian home and in church. You have been taught truths that most never heard. But, what are you going to do with that privilege? My first hope is that you live it your entire life. Then, my pray is that you pass it along to the next generation. Make your home a place where the holy Scriptures are seen and heard. Teach your children even before they are born, so that they too can learn them from infancy. And finally, make your home and your life a living Word for others to see, that they too may know the way of salvation. Living your faith is like salvation itself, it is your choice to make. Continue the heritage...


  Jesus Paid It All (piano with lyrics)