Monday, April 15, 2019

Crown Of Rightesouness, 2 Timothy 4:8

Crown Of Righteousness

2 Timothy 4:8 Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Who longs for the executioner to come? Why would anyone want the that kind of person to show up? We do not often refer to Jesus as the Judge who will come with fire in his eyes to make war. But that is who he will one day be. Scary... for those not ready to meet him. But, that is not the case for those whose names are written in the book of life. (Read Rev 19:11 - 20:15).

Those who long for the appearing of Christ are confident in Christ their savior. Now, not all who call Lord, Lord are his, but he knows who are his, and we also know if we belong to him for his Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are his. Many have fooled themselves into thinking they do not need to turn from wickedness to be a follower and are confident they are Christians, but if they would examine themselves, if they would test their "salvation" to see if they are truly in the faith, they would know for sure! Then, there would be no fear of Christ's return or fear of death for that matter. Death should be a glorious occasion. For, with death and Christ's return comes the culmination of our salvation, the right to partake of the tree of life. Christ will return and place on our heads the crown of righteousness and give us our reward according to what each has done!

K and A, isn't that what you strive for. Living for Christ is worth it all! All the pleasure of the world pale in comparison. They are fodder to be trampled on, worthless junk, fools gold, not worth the promises they claim. Seek first the kingdom of God, serve him with all your heart, body, and soul, forsake the pleasures of the world and all the blessing of Christ will be yours! So, keep your clothes clean, do not let them become soiled with sin and in the end, he will place that crown of righteousness on your head, well done!


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