Friday, April 26, 2019

Reminder 2: Do Good, Titus 3:1

Reminder 2: Do Good

Titus 3:1 
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good

There are many in the church and on religious TV and radio programs that teach that a Christian does not have anything to do. Works have nothing to do with salvation, they say. How foolish! God is good. That makes Jesus good, soooo... it makes sense to me that if we are to be like Jesus, then we will do good like he did. David said that and wanted God to teach him to be good. Many think, as Christians, we are stuck in our sin and evil is just part of being human. But, to that David says to turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. Even his son, Solomon, said not to hold back from doing good to those who deserve it.

Some might say that those examples are from the Old Testament stuff, before the age of grace. I would wholeheartedly agree, for with the age of grace came the Spirit of grace, who empowers his people to do right and not sin. Remember what James said... those who know the good they ought to do and do not do it, sin. Paul encouraged the Galatians to do good to everyone, especially their brothers and sisters in the Lord. Even Jesus himself said, to do good to those that hate you. It is quite obvious that doing good is salvation lived out.

K and A, love others. Love those who despise you by, not only by praying for them, but doing good things for them... especially in their time of need. A few months ago, a guy at work fell and broke his bone just below his hip. When he was in deep pain in Hershey Med, your mother and I visited him. Now, he is back to work, and he sent me a text thanking me for coming to visit. He said you'll never understand how much that means to him...  Daughters, be ready to do whatever is good, showing the love of Christ to all.


PS... Your mother went over to a couple's place yesterday and mowed their lawn for them while they were away overseas to their son's wedding. Imagine the joy they had when they returned home... Be like your mom... she's special!

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