Thursday, April 4, 2019

Jesus Our Judge, 2 Timothy 4:1

Jesus Our Judge

2 Timothy 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

And the charge is... will discuss that next time. Today, we need to discuss our loving God, the one who reached out to us when we could care less about him, the one who was willing to look past out sin and love us before we loved him, the one who died for us even though we were rebellious. Yes this is the one whom we will discuss. Jesus was and is all that, yet he will also, one day be our judge. This loving, patient, friend, who is willing to forgive what we have done against him and his father, this same person, will be the Judge of all. That day, he will not excuse our wrongs, he will not reach out any longer. That day he will judge what we have done, and that day we will either enter into his joys or be thrown into the lake of fire!

K and A, Heaven and Hell are real! How you respond to Christ now will determine where you end up on that day. Jesus, the judge, is part of his character. You must never forget that. The teaching of today is that this loving God would not send people to hell, or that if you just accept him, you're good to go forever. Do not be fooled. Matthew 25 tell you how you will be judged, according to what you have done for him and in Revelations 20, if your name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life. Remember it is not just a once and done prayer of salvation... it is a life surrendered to Christ. Remain in his love, daughters, and he will remain in you through eternity!


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