Thursday, April 18, 2019

Opposition Will Come, 2 timothy 4:14

Opposition will Come

2 Timothy 4:14 Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too, should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message.

I heard the question wondering if, when the names we use to describe ourselves as Christians  become ridiculed or despised by the world, should we change them? The response by Ravi Zacharias (RZIM) was, what would be the point, they would just attack the next title we chose. They are not attacking us but our message, he said. Paul had the same problem... opposition to his message.

When we live a life that exemplifies Jesus, we will be opposed. They may condemn us or our message or both. We should expect that to happen. People will not love us because we are Christians when it is opposite to what they believe. It happened to Jesus, and it will happen to us.

K and A, if you suffer for doing wrong, that's your own fault, and you should feel bad. But, if you suffer opposition because of your living according to the Bible, deal with it knowing that Christ had suffered for you. It is an honor to suffer for him. You are not of the world, so people will not understand you, and some will directly oppose you. Keep to the Word, and live according to it. Do not compromise to get along, for you should expect opposition to come.

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