Monday, April 1, 2019

Born A Christian - NOT, 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Born A Christian - NOT

2 Timothy 3-15 and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

There are some people who think that because their parents are Christians or that they grew up in church and went through catechism, they too are Christians. Well, as it has been said, God doesn't have any grandchildren. The Scriptures only make you wise for salvation. They do not save you. It matters not how early in your life you heard the Good News or how often you have done so, salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, believing that he alone paid the price for your sins. No heritage nor any amount of memorized Scripture can save you. It is a personal decision you commit to. One that is to be lived out everyday.

A and K, each of you have chosen Jesus as the way of salvation. Good choice! In fact, that is the only choice to make if you want your sins forgiven and you want to live with Christ forever. You had an advantage over more than 95% of the people in the world. You grew up in a Christian home and in church. You have been taught truths that most never heard. But, what are you going to do with that privilege? My first hope is that you live it your entire life. Then, my pray is that you pass it along to the next generation. Make your home a place where the holy Scriptures are seen and heard. Teach your children even before they are born, so that they too can learn them from infancy. And finally, make your home and your life a living Word for others to see, that they too may know the way of salvation. Living your faith is like salvation itself, it is your choice to make. Continue the heritage...


  Jesus Paid It All (piano with lyrics)

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