Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Reminder 6: Believers Were Once Sinners, Titus 3:3

Reminder 6: Believers Were Once Sinners

Titus 3:3 At one time, we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived, and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.

I know this title is contrary to most of what is preached today; We all sin in thought, word, and deed every day and I have heard some say that they can't go one minute without sinning... That is a sad. Like I have said many times, the Bible teaches that we are to live holy lives free from sin. But that is not my focus for today. I want to go back to before we were Christians..

I have been told at various times in life that I just can't live a life like you, you're too perfect. They act like I was born a Christian or something and never had to experience temptation. Paul reminds us that we all were born into sin, no matter our family name or spiritual heritage. We lived in disobedience, did foolish things, our minds were deceived and all kinds of evil passions and pleasures were part of our lives. The sin within us caused us to hate and envy others. No one is born pure. Sin was our natural desire from the beginning.

K and A, I certainly don't want you to think that you are stuck in your sin, but never be so vain to think that you are above it. You were born in sin, and even if you did not do all the bad things others have done, you still were lost and headed for hell. Never look at others and think, I could never be like that. For, it matters not where you have grow up, what church you have attended, how pure of a life you have been living... today is another day. One where you must choose and answer the question, will I live for God today? The sinful nature is real. It will creep into your life, if you become haughty and proud, thinking you cannot fall, surely destruction will come on you. Remember, you were once a sinner too! Be grateful to Jesus for making the way of salvation clear to you.


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