Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Never Finished, Titus 3

Never Finished

Titus 3:15c Grace be with you all.

Hello Daughters. I was working through Titus at the end of last school year and just wrote random post over the summer. When I picked back up I did not go back and finish Titus but started with 1st Timothy.  Starting tomorrow, I will resume writing from the book of Titus where I left off; the first verse of chapter 3.

I plan to continue writing these forever-Dad posts through the end of the school year. By that time, if I am diligent, I should be over 1000 posts since I began this blog for you. I pray they have been beneficial to you. May God's grace fill you through and through as we close out this school year.

Work hard, Do well, Excel!


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