Monday, April 22, 2019

Safe In Jesus, 2 Timothy 4:18

Safef In Jesus

2 Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory for ever and ever.

What does it mean to be safe in the arms of Jesus? Does it mean no problems, no confrontation physical or otherwise? Does it mean that no one can stop us, that the message of Christ will go forward without persecution, pain, or death? Those are almost silly questions. Christ said that in this life you will have troubles. He said that if they hated him they will hate us as well. We also know that most of the apostles were martyred. Then, why would Paul say such a thing? Why did he say that he would be delivered from every evil attack? - he wasn't! Or was he?

Paul lived believing that, and here is the key; the Lord would protect him until his work on earth was done. It was not that he would not suffer harm... but that no matter where he was, no matter how he was treated, the message of Christ would be proclaimed. Despite beatings, he preached, despite ridicule he preached. He would continue to be used by God until his time on earth was complete, and that day came... soon after he wrote his passage. He is believed to have been beheaded by the Romans... then he made his way safely to the heavenly kingdom!

K and A, there will be some rough times. Just yesterday many Sri Lankan churches were attacked and over 200 believers lost their lives. They made their way to the heavenly kingdom! Sad? Yes. Was God absent, no! Our life here on earth is just a grain of sand in the hourglass of eternity. It is worth serving God, for your soul is safe in Jesus.


  Safe in the Arms of Jesus

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