Monday, April 22, 2019

A Birthday Wish, 2 Timothy 4:22

A Birthday Wish

2 Timothy 4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. grace be with you.

These are believed to be the last words by Paul found written in the Bible. The Lord be with your spirit, grace be with you... is there any better desire we can have for someone we love? To have the Spirit of God commune with our spirit is the best it gets on this side of eternity. Immanuel, God with us the desire of mankind, the desire of all creation. The way it was in the beginning, the way it will be in eternity, the way it can be for all those who believe on the name  of the Lord Jesus Christ!

K, notice where the verse is from... 4:22. I write this on 4/22/2019, your 24th birthday. It is my desire that the lord will be with your spirit and his grace will be upon your life. Serve him throughout your whole life. Never shy back from doing what is right. Live as an example for others to follow for they will watch how you live. Walk the road of purity and holiness until you meet Christ on the other side.

A, this is my desire for you even if it not your birthday. Serve the Lord with gladness and peace in your heart. Never bow to the pressure of the world. You be the pressure for doing what is right and just. Be Christ to others!

My birthday wish for you... that you sense the presence of God close to you today and every day you live. May each day be happy, not just your birthday!


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