Thursday, April 11, 2019

Itchy Ears, 2 Timothy 4:3

Itchy Ears

2 Timothy 4:3 For a time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. They will gather around them teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

As we discussed last time, many in the church today do not want to be part of a church that pushes a doctrinal statement... it is too restrictive, too exclusive. Why chase people away from God and force them to adhere to a list of rules? A doctrine is not a list of rules. It is a statement of belief, a recognition that God has standards and order. God is not wishy washy. You can count on what he says. What has been written about him has happened and what he promises will happen! Not only that, but that it will happen to those whom he promises them too, good or bad!

Today, like throughout all of time, people reject God 's standards because they are contrary to what they want to do. The Lord had a particular standard for offerings, but Cain chose not to do it God's way. So, when God was not satisfied with his offering but looked on Abel's with favor, Cain became very angry and killed his brother - like that would change God mind and his offering would now be acceptable. Samson was given great strength and God' declared never to cut his hair. But Samson became careless and gave up his strength for the pleasure of a woman. In Israel's time the Ark of the Covenant was to be transported by carrying on poles by the priests, but they chose to do so by oxen and when Uzzah reached out to steady it, God struck him dead!

There are other Biblical examples and many examples of those around us in which they have chosen not to listen to God and chose to listen to others and suffered for it. In the church, Paul says this will happen when we choose to go to the church that best fits our style, that preaches the message with which we are most comfortable, when it doesn't condemn our way of living. We go where the preacher says what our itching ears what to hear.

K and A, there comes times in your life when you will decide where to go to church and what rules to follow. Choose one that teaches from the Word of God, choose one where the preacher uses words to expound on the Word. Be careful when they use the Word to support their words. I write these posts not for you to feel like everything in your life is just fine, but for you to compare your life to the truths of the Word so you may live a life pleasing to the Lord. Never try to get God, or others, to accept your way of thinking, make your way of thinking acceptable to God. It is tempting and common to search for scriptures that support our desires. Never fall into that trap. Develop desires that support what God has said in his Word. Be itching to follow his way.


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