Monday, April 29, 2019

Reminder 5: Show True Humility

Reminder 5: Show True Humility

Titus 3:2 to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.

There are three thoughts here to what Titus was to remind the people of.
  1. That they are to show humility
  2. That humility is to be shown to all, men and
  3. That our humility is to be real not pretend
Daughters, a previous pastor at our church once said, if you wonder whether you are humble or not, you aren't. I had to think about that for a bit... Humility is something you are, not something you do. It is a character trait of a true believer, a natural outworking of your salvation and holiness in Christ. You cannot not portray humility and seek to take advantage of others, that is selfishness. Humility is the opposite. It is selflessness. Think more highly of others than you do of yourself. Put their needs before your own and seek to aid them in succeeding. A life of service is what you are called to. Serve Christ by serving others and you will live out humility in your life.


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