Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Charge to Live, 2 Timothy 4:1

A Charge To Live

2 Timothy 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

Paul had told Timothy to be a workman approved by God. He was to remain faithful to his call and to take a stand against godlessness. He warned him about those who would rise up in the church to teach falsehoods and work to get others to do the same. After all this, Paul says... I give you this charge... (we'll save the specific charge for next time...) I give you this charge he says... And as you contemplate your calling, keep in mind that Jesus knows you, he is your judge, and he will return one day. This charge Paul was about to give was of great importance. His task would affect the souls of many into eternity. When Jesus returns, he will establish his kingdom and sit and judge all peoples of the world. Many of their destinies would be determined through Timothy's faithfulness.

K and A, the destinies of many also lie in your hands. If you are not faithful to God and his call, they may never make it to the kingdom and will be lost for eternity. I know that is a heavy statement, but it is true. Live out the charge you have been given, do the good you know to do, for it is a eternal importance to you and to others!


  A Charge To Keep I Have (Old Wesley Hymn)

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