Friday, April 12, 2019

Post Truth Era, 2 Timothy 4:4

Post Truth Era

2 Timothy 4:4 They will turn their ears away from truth and turn aside to myths

I heard, just yesterday, that we are living in the Post-Truth Era. And it makes sense. You never know if what you see, hear or read is actually true. Here is a true quote... "You can't believe everything on the internet," Abe Lincoln. It seems like you can't believe anyone no matter how trustworthy they appear. I also remember a commercial where a "French model" said "bonjour". Seemed credible - not!

We call it the post-truth area, because people purposely tell falsehoods as truth to get their agenda across. It is like the ends justify the means. People want to live their own way, yet they want to be accepted so the deny truth - like your gender can be determined by how you feel on a certain day - as if that changes your DNA or something. We lie about the viability of an unborn child, whether we need vaccines, and that man can control the weather and save the world from destruction.

Well, we find in this verse, it has always been a problem. But, in my lifetime, it has never been so rampant. People say stuff that isn't true to each other to push their agendas forward. It happens in churches as well. They want to live their own way, yet they want to be accepted by God, So they lie... to themselves and to other believers. They turn from truth, make up new standards, and live how they want. Then they push it on others, so they can live without the guilt that comes from disobedience.

K and A, do not lie; not to yourself, not to others. Let your yes be yes and your no, no. This is the command of Christ. And, be careful not to change the truth to fit what you want to believe, to live as you want to live. Read the Bible for what it says. Be careful of the claims that state the commands of Christ, or the apostles, or any where in Scripture, Old or New, are cultural. The worldly church has defamed the truths of the Bible and led many astray. But you, keep your ears to the truth and verify everything by the Word of God!


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