Wednesday, April 17, 2019

It's What's Important, 2 Timothy 4:13

It's What's Important

2 Timothy 4:13 When you come, bring the cloak I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments.

Some of the "facts" here are probabilities and cannot be verified 100% denoted by an *

What would miss most, if it was left behind? I think that the phone would be the most missed item for people today. For Paul, it was two things... his cloak - the dungeon certainly was damp and cold, and his parchments - his letters and scriptures*. Okay, I hear it now, but my Bible is on my phone. True, but that wasn't why you missed your phone.

It seems today, that the Word of God is not held to be as precious as it once was. I can remember when the Bible was not just another book or just something you took along to church on Sunday. You handled it with care. It was never tossed or thrown around. It was placed down with thought. This was done so, for what was contained in it was precious as well. After all, it was God's Word not just the Bible! His words are sweet to the taste, nourishing to the soul. They can make you wise and will revive your relationship with God!

K and A, how much importance do you place on God's Word? Is it precious to you? Do you revere it above all else, above Netflix, Pinterest, and Twitter? It is much better for you to surf the Word than surf the net. There you will find the sweet words of hope and contentment. Choose to make it the go-to source for your daily escape. It will refresh your soul and lift your spirits and revive your walk with God. Take it with you wherever you go. Never leave it behind! It's what's most important!


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