Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Thoroughly Equipped, 2 Timothy 3:17

Thoroughly Equipped

2 Timothy 3:17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

It's faith. It s all about faith. It is faith plus nothing. Nothing but faith! I have heard that erroneously  preached and talked about way too often. Sad, because Scripture is full of examples and statements and commands that require Christians to work for the night is coming, to do the will of the Father. Good works are the sign of our faith. They go hand in hand. If you do not have good works, your faith is dead. This is why righteousness is so important, for right living equips us for every good work. Doing what is right enables us to do good for others. That is the a major outworking of our faith... serving others by helping them in their time of need, whatever it may be. The more we are equipped, the more ways we can help those in need.

A and K, prepare yourself to do good works. You are created by God to do just that! Preparation comes through living a righteous life. If you aren't good on the inside, you cannot be good on the outside. Consider the needs of others and be Christ to them. Carry their burdens. Love them. Help where you can. The more thoroughly you prepare, the more ways you can help!


  Work for the Night is Coming
  Work for the Night is Coming (in case you prefer English)

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