Saturday, September 30, 2017

Who Cares, Proverbs 30:20

Who Cares

Proverbs 30:20 This is the way of an adulteress: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, 'I've done nothing wrong.'

Like those who sin time and time again until their conscience is seared, is the person spoken of in this verse. They have disobeyed God so often without evident consequence, that they see nothing wrong with what they have done or are doing.

Hugh Hefner died this past week. He was proud that he had turned a nation away from God's ways to self gratification with sexuality. He is credited with making pornography and sexual promiscuity common in our society. Sexual relations outside of marriage is not only acceptable but expected. Read the headline, and everyday there is a story of sexual deviance. Movies and TV shows are filled with it.

This has become true within the church as well. Pastors leaving their wife for the church secretary, evangelical leaders caught in homosexual trysts. In many homes living together before marriage is common among church goers. Separated and shacking up, divorced and remarried, teens having sex and sleeping together, Sure it has always happened, but in the last 30 years it has not only become commonplace but is expected that you will not be a virgin when married nor expected to remain married to the same person the rest of your life. And his is the belief within the church!

K and A, they say who cares? Everybody does it. God cares and so should you. People within the church have made jokes of "reading Playboy for the articles." Hefner's open society has changed everyone, including me and including you. What is accessible today is grotesque and evil. We make past sexual societies look like kindergarten class, and are competition with Sodom and Gomorrah. Who cares? I pray that you do. Do not sin and pass it off, even if you never do it again! You must confess the truth and be cleansed by the blood of Christ. Care for yourself and for the family you plan on raising. Teach them the ways of the Lord and not the ways of the world. Care for their very souls by eating the fruits of righteousness and you will be truly filled with what is good.


Friday, September 29, 2017

Do You Care, Proverbs 29:7

Do You Care

Proverbs 29:7 The righteous care about the poor but the wicked have no such concern.

There will always be poor around us (Matthew 26:11). Especially because of how we define poor in our country. Many of the poor in the United States are rich compared to the majority of those in the world. Yet, if you are one of those rich poor people you still sense the pain of your condition. In other words, if we feel the pain, it is real to us.

So, why should we care for those around us that are not really poor but suffer because they think they are?

Because, they are in need. 

How, then, do we care for people who already have enough to live on?

We must see their true need. Is it contentment? Is it lack of wisdom? Is it mismanagement? Maybe it is just laziness. What ever it is we must care for the needs of others. In Matthew 25 Jesus speaks of true needs; hunger and thirsty, lack of clothing, a stranger or outsider. (vs 37 & 38). Jesus, Peter,  James and John and Paul all spoke the importance of caring for those in need especially the poor, orphan, and widow (James 1:27, Gal 2:10).

Remember, in your kindness do not enable them. Paul says that if someone is not willing to work, they should not be given anything to eat! (2 Thessalonians 3:10). That is a tough statement, but it is so necessary. Yet, we cannot keep this rule without caring about them. Their needs are often just as great, the need to care for themselves.

A and K, see the needs around you. It is easy to say that since we pay taxes, and the majority of it goes to take care of others, then we are already giving. This is true, but money is not the same as caring. There is many hurting that need love and direction. Money to the government cannot not supply that effectively. You are the hands and feet of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). Reach out and care for those around you.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Speak Up, Proverbs 28:23

Speak Up

Proverbs 28:23 He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue

sort of like a watchman

Good people have a tendency to keep their mouth when they see someone doing an unwise thing. They are often afraid they are judging that person and speaking up would be evidence of that. After all we all sin, so who am I to tell them. But this is not how God planned it. We are help each other see the sin in our lives or when we are soon to make a unwise or bad choice. There is verse (Matthew 7:4) that is often quoted which keeps us from telling others what they need to hear. Roughly quoted... How can you bother with the speck in your brothers eye, when you have a plank in your own... But if we read on it says... take that plank out of your eye, so you can help your brother! How sad it is when there is sin in someone's life that keeps them from helping their fellow believer.

We are here to help each other see areas in our life that holds us back from living for and serving Christ effectively (Hebrew 10:25). Many times that is unwise choices. Other times it is outright sin. But, if we do not speak up, then we are partially responsible for their demise. Just as God told Ezekiel that if he failed to warn or dissuade people about their wicked ways God would hold Ezekiel accountable (Ezekiel 33:8), God will also hold us accountable for those he brings into our lives to help. It would be so wrong to say a word that makes them feel good, when we know they are doing evil. Wrong for them and for us.

K and A, I know I have told each of you when I thought you were doing wrong and disciplined you for it. As a parent that is so necessary. Children are to be taught right from wrong! Now as you are older, my role changes, even more so after you are married. But, that will not stop me from caring. I will continue to speak up... now it becomes your choice to heed my words on your own and determine if it is the Lord's way to live. When you are out from under my authority, I am no longer responsible for your choices. You get to enjoy or suffer the consequences of them. Yet, I remain responsible to "dissuade" from living in sin. As I speak up, and I will... make your choice thoughtfully and carefully and prayerfully, knowing that they affect your eternal destiny. ...Some subjects are just heavy... yet so important. I love you two.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Who Is It, Proverbs 27:19

Who Is It

Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects the face, so a man's heart reflects the man.

Before there were mirrors, only shiny surfaces could be used to see oneself. I would suppose water was the first of those. So, what does the mirror show? Does it show who the man is or what he looks like? Certainly, we cannot see the motives or drives a man has, only his outward appearance Then, how can the man know who he truly is?

The Lord said The heart is deceitful beyond all things, and beyond cure. Who can understand it (Jerimiah 17:9)? In that discourse, God said he searches man's heart and will reward each according to his conduct, his deeds. God knows us. What we are is no secret to him. We can fool others and often fool ourselves, but we cannot fool God. No matter how we look on the outside, God sees our heart.

When can see the condition of our heart through our deeds. Jesus said the heart produces things like evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander (Matthew 15:19). These things defile a person. So, if our heart is without cure and it produces evil, what are we to do? Woe is me said Isaiah, I am ruined (6:5)!

A and K, The New Testament says that our deceitful heart can be changed, and that there is now a cure! That is good, because the cure, Jesus, will judge us according to our deeds, whether good or bad on the last day (2 Corinthians 5:10). Fortunately, as Paul tell us, you can put to death the misdeeds of the body through the Spirit. If you do, then you are a child of God (Romans 8:13).

Daughters, think about this when you look into a mirror: God's Word is the mirror for your heart. When what you see doesn't look as it should. Spend the time to pretty yourself up (1 Peter 3:3). Don't just walk away and do nothing or your religion is worthless. (James 1:25, 26). No matter how ugly you may think you are when you look in the mirror, it makes no difference, it is futile thinking, but what matters is what you do when you read or hear the Word of God. Only the beauty of your heart counts when you walk the "runway" of life. When your beauty comes from Christ being in you, people will ask, who is that? And, I, with gratitude in my heart, will be pleased to say, they're my daughters!


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Bock! Proverbs 26:2


Proverbs 26:2 Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.

The was a commercial for Caesars Pizza... how do we come up with our ideas... then you see a chicken fly off a truck on to a car and it goes BOCK as it hits the windshield... pizza for a buck, how do I come up with this stuff?

This is like any bird you might have hit with your car. Out of nowhere, it comes, hits your windshield, and it's gone, and you continue on your way. Well, that might be the last you think of it but the bird, that's another story.

Careless words are like that. To those that spoke them, the words just bounced a bit and on you the way you go, never to think about it again. But the person who they bounce into, that's another story. They are left with the pain that it brings. maybe they will shake it off and try to continue on, but maybe it hit so hard the are injured for life.

K and A, watch what you say and be careful how you speak to others. You can injure someone for life emotionally. This is especially true if they are weak or if they count you as a friend. Even when you are joking, it may go awry. Watch their eyes to see if it hurt them. If texting, see how they respond... many have been unduly hurt when it wasn't intended, but they hurt none-the-less. You may have not tried to hurt them but if it hurts, a healing needs to occur and you need to attend to that pain. So, pay attention, listen closely and as you travel through life and you hear BOCK, go back and make sure they're okay.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Refreshing, Proverbs 25:25


Proverbs 25:25 Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.

Ever felt parched, yearning for a drink to refresh yourself? You work long hours in the hot sun and feel drained. Then, some kind soul comes and offers you a drink. Ahhhh, cool water. Your thirst has be quenched, and you are strengthened, life will continue. You feel all good inside.

I know some people who have relatives in Puerto Rico. For days since the hurricane ravaged the island, they have not been able to make contact. When the phone call finally comes through, when the news of their safety is relayed to my friends ears, oh what joy will ensue! Their spirit will be lifted, life will continue. They will feel all good inside.

A and K, that is how I feel when I hear of your faithfulness to Christ and his work. When the good news told to me by those who see you live out your faith,  keeping from the ways of the world, then will my heart rejoice. Sometimes, I wonder if you are faithful. Are you conforming to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2) or wholly devoted to holy living (1 Peter 1:14-16)? Then a post comes across my FB newsfeed with your name on it. If, I see bad language, sexual innuendoes, or you in some way being comfy with the world or its pleasures, I become sad. I am hurt being cut to the heart, knowing that in some way I have failed you. Where did I go wrong? Are you being pulled away from the Lord by the temptation to be like those around you?

Oooh, but when I see something on Facebook that shows your devotion to Christ, my heart flutters! Joy fills begins to fill it and my soul is restored. I get all happy knowing that you get it. You chose to take a stand against all that so easily entangles (Hebrews 12:1) and have filled my heart with gratitude toward God. I am sure he is pleased with you as well. My soul has been lifted, life can continue and I feel all good inside.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Can't Handle It, Proverbs 24:10

Can't Handle It

Proverbs 24:10 If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.

I never liked this verse much. It seems so harsh. But, then we are in a society that any little thing you say is taken as bullying. Where is our toughness? Where do we find the strength to carry on? Why can't we beat trouble when it comes our way? We need to toughen up.

Now, I am not advocating heading to the gym and bulking up. As good as exercise is, it still has little real benefits for a successful life. It is godliness that counts (1 Tim 4:8). Our strength needs to be in the Lord. When times get tough, the tough turn and renew their faith in God. Then they will soar above the problems that come their way and they will not fall. For, their strength was built up because their hope was placed in the Lord (Isiah 40:31).

K and A, When troubles come, and they will (John 16:33), put your hope in the Lord and not on your own abilities. then you will rise above those troubles and you will become strong. Some may trust in chariots and some in horses, but [you, daughters,] shall trust in the name of our God (Psalm 20:7). When you do, you will be able to handle the things that you can't handle!


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Can't Stop, Proverbs 23:2

Can't stop

Proverbs 23:2 and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.

Wait, that's extreme. Is this a hyperbole?

I suppose. But, God thinks gluttony is an important subject. In fact, Paul said that gluttons will be destroyed (Phillipians 3:19)

Oh come on. You're telling me that a fat person doesn't go to heaven. That's ridiculous!

Listen to what the Bible says. God is the judge and sets the rules, not us. The Old Testament tell us that Sodom was destroyed for multiple reasons, one of them being "over fed" (Ezekiel 16:29). Matthew and Luke spoke of Jesus being accused of the sins of drunkenness and gluttony (11:19, 7:34).

But, does the Bible say that fat people go to the lake of fire or not?

No. it says that those you are controlled by natural appetites do not enter the kingdom. Those led by the spirit do. Drinking, smoking, and today we must mention drugs, and other addictions are signs that we fail to allow the Spirit to lead us. Being unable to control how much you eat is like those.

Then, why are there grossly overweight preachers?

(Raise head slightly, tilt head down slowly from right to left while raising eyebrow and looking over glasses while sighing) You tell me.

Daughters, I am amazed at the failure of the church to approach this issue. I do not know how fat is too fat. Just like I don't know how long is too long for a guys hair. Nor, do I think we should have people step on a scales before they can take communion. But, I do know that if there is something in your life that you cannot stop, you are not living in the power of the Spirit. That is true with any sin, no matter how big or small.

K and A, do not [gorge yourself on food which leads to being obese]. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). Then you will be able to stop the things you can't stop.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Not Even An Inch, Proverbs 22:3

Not Even An Inch

Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

It was a sunny winter day as I remember it. We had just been at church and were heading home. There were five of us children and our two parents as normal, but this Sunday we had along the bishop of our conference and his wife. Yes, that is 9 people in the car. It was a large station wagon and sitting in the back was not uncommon, back in the glory days when neither seat belts not car seats were required.

This event occurred during a time when we live in the Newville area and traveled every Sunday the half an hour trip to our church in Saville. Bishop Ginder was the special speaker that morning and all must have gone well. Not that I remember, but he was a strong spiritual leader, to me the most holy man I ever met.

On our way home my father detoured from our normal route and shot down a back road at the bottom of the Doublin Gap mountain on the Perry County side. Because it was such a beautiful day, we would take the scenic route across the ridge of the Blue Ridge mountain with the expectations beautiful views. My mother was not for the idea, because there was chicken in the oven and she didn't want it to burn before we got home.

It began uneventful, but that was soon about to change. I remember my father commenting on how nice they had kept-up the road. It was all sandy and smooth, a beautiful drive. Then all things changed. The smooth sandy road turned ice covered and fear began to grip many in the car. We were all told to keep very quiet, and quiet we were! I remember specifically passing a cabin in the low point just before heading up a long stretch up a hill. We had missed the last place to turn around. We had no choice. it appeared. but to keep going. All the children moved to the back of the car to get more traction, but it was no use. We spun our wheels to a stop. Now we had to back down an ice covered hill.

With a steep bank up on our right and a cliff on our left, we hugged the bank. Soon the car began to kick sideways and my father decided to swing the car around. The road was barely big enough for two cars to pass , but there was no choice but to try. The car came to a stop sideways in the road. The bishop went out to see how far we could go back before the car went over the cliff. I do remember the beautiful but scary view down the ravine. We couldn't see any ground behind the car. When he got to the back I clearly remember him saying "Don't come back, don't come back, not even an inch!!!!" The bishop wife got in the drivers seat, and the bishop and my dad pushed and directed. We all sat still in the back, and they got the car turned around, and we headed safely back out the way we came. Oh, and the chicken... Mother forgot to turn it on. It was far from being burnt!

It was an event to remember and a great principle to be learned. There comes a time when you know you have made the wrong choice. Danger lies ahead... Turn around. Do not continue or you will suffer for it.

K and A, I can still hear Grandpa telling this story. The way he says... don't come back, don't come back! Not even an inch!!! If you ever heard him you know what I mean. But in the excitement of the story, don't miss the lesson. Do not play the part of the fool (Prov 30:32). When you see your choices have gotten you into trouble spiritually... don't go any further, Not Evan an Inch! Stop and go the other way, for there is nothing but danger ahead. Repent and find forgiveness and find life!


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Gift Of Peace, Proverbs 21:14

Gift Of Peace

Proverbs 21:14 A gift given in secret soothes anger, a bribe concealed in a cloak pacifies great wrath.

The other day at work I needed to be to at school to help set up chairs by a certain time. I became ill and stopped at a gas station to recover. I texted the other worker to let him know I'd be late. He said ok. By the time I felt better and drove the rest of the way to the school, I got a call from the other worker that he had finished. I apologized, and he was fine with it. Two hours later I get a call from his boss wondering why I had not shown up? The next day I found out that he told the head of the department that I never showed up and that I could expect to get a talking to. I was in disbelief, shaking my head.

K and A, what do you do when someone double-crosses you? Treat them with kindness. The next day I came with pie and made sure I cut him a piece and put one on his cart. Many people would cut everyone but him and say why he wasn't getting one. But this is wrong. It is not how Christ told you to be. You must love those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44) and show them kindness instead. Give a gift of peace to your enemy without anyone knowing that they might know someone loves them.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Mouth Trap, Proverbs 20:25

Mouth Trap

Proverbs 20:25  It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows.

At work we have been setting traps for squirrels. The get into our visitor's concession stand and we don't know how. So, we set traps and lure them into a box with some peanut butter and when they go in, the door drops behind them and they are caught. There is no way for them to escape. Why are the squirrels so dumb... one reason is that the smell of the peanut butter produces a desire that blocks all other senses and they think of nothing but to have a nibble. soon it is too late. There is no return.

It is the same for man. When temptation comes, we often loose sight of our surrounding and SNAP! It's too late; we are caught. This too happens verbally. Someone offers you drugs, "No thanks, not today." You just committed drinking on another day. The same goes for alcohol, sex and other things. Instead of saying, "No that would be wrong," some say, "We shouldn't." You just postponed question until a day when you might yes. We need to wisely consider our responses to doing wrong.

There are others ways our mouth gets us trapped. "Will you help with the meal on Friday night." A quick yes and you have made them happy. But then you remember you have promised someone else for that night. "Who will give sacrificially to the Lord and support our building fund," the pastor says. In the heat of the moment you commit to $5000. Afterwards you wake up and realize there is no way you can do that. You just got a house, you attend an "event"... "Buy, buy," says the salesman. You should have said bye, bye, but now you have wonderful new windows at $20,000! And that's just the downstairs windows.

K and A, it is easy to say yes without thinking it through. What foolishness. I can remember buying a set of knives for $20, they were cheap junk. I also remember the feeling when I got my twenty out to buy it... I just had to have them. Fortunately we canceled the windows we bought for that $20,000. Maybe yours will be a pots and pans set, or baby furniture, maybe a spouse, or a relationship. Maybe it will be a commitment to God. What ever it is, think it through before you are caught by what you agreed to. Look up the story of Jephthah's foolish vow to the Lord in Judges 11. Leave the traps for the mice.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Stirred Up, Proverbs 19:2

Stirred Up

Proverbs 19:2 It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.

In today's society there are many who have been stirred up by a few nay-sayers and trouble has broken out. Most people are followers, and this can cause great problems when they have been swayed to protest. A current group, called the Antifa, has stirred up many to protest what they believe is injustice. So, through advertising on Craigslist, they hire mobs to help protest and cause problems at events like happened in Charlottesville, NC in 2016.

What's my point in relation to this verse? Most protests today are carried out by people not having any knowledge in what they are protesting. They are moved by people who, through evil intent, stir up trouble. This makes their true leader, Satan, very happy, because it creates division in our society. This happens because we do not know the truth and we move on emotions instead of the facts.

This can happen within the church as well. It has happened many times in fact. Here are a few examples... Jim Jones, a pastor turned cult leader until over 900 people committed suicide. Over 300 of those were children who "drank the Kool-Aid". Then, there is Joseph Smith. He learned about Christ in the 2nd Awakening and was an eager follower. But, later he became involved in religious folk magic and began to see visions and added his inspired book to the Scriptures. His followers are the Church of the Latter Day Saints, the Mormons. The last one I'll mention is the founder of the Jehovah Witnesses, The Watch Tower Group, Charles Taze Russell. He too started out in church and today has over 8 million followers. He has long since passed but his twisting of God's Word continues to be taught throughout the world, and in their devotion, his followers miss the way.

K and A, I want you to be stirred in your heart, to follow the Lord with passion. But, you must follow Christ in the knowledge and wisdom of the Word. If you just follow something just because it was said in church or by a famous preacher of musician or just because I said it... you will soon fail to follow Christ. This is a great problem today. It looks very much like Christianity, but does it hold up when set it up against the Bible? Most claiming Christ do not care... the serve the feelings they get when they participate in "worship".

Daughters, be like the Bereans who accepted Paul's teachings with great eagerness, yet search the scriptures to verify its truth (Acts 17:11). And ladies, when you "feel" God move on your heart and those goose bumps travel throughout your body, test the spirits to verify they are from God (1 John 4:1). For, the Spirit of God will not ask you to do act contrary to the Word of God. The stirring of the Spirit is the greatest feeling you'll ever have. I pray that you will reach out and receive it, for this stirring toward holiness is God's second act of grace.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Gift From God, Proverbs 18:23

Gift From God

Proverbs 18:23 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.

Some people think they are God's gift to the world. They are proud and arrogant, wanting everyone to know how important they are. But, we know what happens to the proud and haughty (Proverbs 16:18).

Just because some think they are the greatest and God's gift to society doesn't mean that we cannot be God's gift to society. In fact, this verse says that women are a gift to man. Man will not be complete, save a man living in undivided devotion to the Lord (1Corinthians 7:32 - 35), unless he find a wife. She will be his suitable helper for life (Genesis 2:18 - 25).

K and A, you are special and a favor given by God for a special person. You are to be his helper and companion. You will belong to each other and cling to one another for life. Never let another come between you. Even if you think later that he is not the "perfect" choice, God is able to mold you, each for the other, as you yield to the Spirit's control. There are character and compatibilities traits that you should consider in a potential spouse, but the most important trait is spiritual. After you are married you need to spur him on to love and good deeds, encouraging him in his spiritual walk and leadership. You are God's gift to him to bless him and to direct the favors of God in his everyday walk with the Lord. You have a special role to play. You are God's special gift.


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Covered Up, Proverbs 17:9

Covered Up

Proverbs 17:9 He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.

They have lasted through the stings that come
within a marriage and have stood the passing of time!

Marriage is a life committed to promoting love!

Yesterday's verse was similar in that what we do and how we respond affects our relationships. Here we see how friendship is destroyed when we retaliate in kind. When we were wronged we practiced the proverbial "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". This is not a proper exegesis of the verse, but it is widely used as such. God says, It is mine to avenge (Romans 12:19).

A and K, when you "get back" at someone for what they have done, you become God over that situation. Learn to let bygones be bygones (Abredeen 1636), meaning 'let the unpleasantness between us become a thing of the past'. Daughters, treat friendships with love and care and be willing to cover over any hurts and the sting of words. When you do, you will find that they will last throughout the passing of time.


Enough Said, Proverbs 16:28

Enough Said

Proverbs 16:28 A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separated close friends.

Some people just can't keep their mouth shut. The must tell someone the latest gossip. It took me years to understand that gossip wasn't just the spreading of false information, rumors, but it is also the spreading news that others do not need to know. This kind of information usually tears down the character of those about which it was said.

This is wrong to do to anyone but is so destructive for close relationships. The hurt and shame brought to that person, many times with whom a promise has been made, breaks down the heart and often the soul of those of whom its been told.

K and A. Will you be a friend who betrays a confidence (Proverbs 20:19), or the friend who stick closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24)? Can you be trusted? It is a choice that you make most everyday. How you talk about others shows your friendship. Often I wonder at work... If they say that about them, what do they say about me when I am not around. Choose to be trustworthy and honor the character of those around you, even beyond your circle of friends. Learn to keep your mouth shut... enough said.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Make Him Smile, Proverbs 15:26

Make Him Smile

Proverbs 15:26, The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those of the pure are pleasing to him.

It is not hard to please the Lord. In fact, there are many ways to do so. One way to make him happy is to do good works. He prepares us to do them, so search the scriptures to find out what kinds of works please him and get busy (Ephesians 5:9 & 10). But, there are also ways to make him sad.

One of the most important area of our lives is our thought life. There is where we begin the process of deciding how we live. John said if you hate your brother you are a murderer (1 John 3:15). Jesus said if you are angry with your brother you are in danger of the lake of fire (Matthew 5:21). Jesus also said that if you look at [another person] lustfully, you have already committed adultery with [them] (Matthew 5:28).

You see, what you do has already been thought out in your heart and mind. You cannot murder if you have not first hated. You will not steal another's lover if you have not thought about how nice it would be to be with them. Same goes for stealing, lying, or whatever the sin. Jesus said what ever comes out of the mouth was already conceived in the heart (Matthew 15:8) and that defiles you.

A and K, it is no wonder why it pleases God if you have pure thoughts; they are the precursor to pure actions. If you ever have a problem swearing... you been saying it already in your head. If you have stolen... you had to first want it. If you have cheated... you coveted what wasn't yours to have. So, control your thought life. Think about these kind of things: whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). If you do so, you shall find the smile of God warming your heart and soul!


Thursday, September 14, 2017

What's Wrong With It, Proverbs 14:12

What's Wrong With It

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
Amazing How Far We Have Fallen

It is easy for us to think that what we are doing is acceptable. If it does not vary from what we have been told as we were growing up, we believe there is nothing wrong with it. In today's society, we have seen our morals deteriorate, and those caught in the grasp of sin cannot see anything wrong with what they are doing. Even in the church, there is sinful and harmful practices. Less than twenty five years ago many of the holiness and conservative churches taught and had rules against drinking, dancing, swearing, shopping or eating out on Sunday, R-rated movies, gambling, and on and on. Previous to that were card playing, TV, going to the theater, and many more "worldly" practices.

So, what went wrong? How have we gotten to this place? How did we go from being holy and pure to allowing divorce and remarriage, homosexual marriage performed by homosexual pastors, and living with your boyfriend or girlfriend, sex outside of marriage? How did we go from leaving secular music to bringing it into the church? Simple... There is a way that seems right to a man... We think that if it doesn't feel wrong than it is okay to do. But, that is a trick of the Evil One.

A and K, how are you going to live? Will you do as you please, or follow in the ways of others around you? There is little preaching done to convict people of wrong like in my day... and it was lacking then. Almost no practice is preached against today except for making someone else feel like they are wrong or things like bullying.

Daughters, If you care about being Godly, my best advice is this; read the Word of God. Do not do something because you never heard God tell you it was wrong to do... Rather, wait for the conviction that tells you that it is right to do. Our nation is getting more and more wicked. To be holy in this wicked world, you must be close to God and his Word. It is the only way to keep from being fooled by the pleasures that so easily entangle (Hebrew 12:1), so that you may be holy unto the Lord.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

True Love, Proverbs 13:24

True Love

Proverbs 13:24 He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.

Sorry if you thought this was to be a post about knowing how to love that special person in your life. I guess that will be one for another day... No, this one is about loving your children. Today's mindset has deviated far from scriptural principles and just plain ole common sense. Parents have given over their lives for the lives of their children. Instead of the parents making the decisions in the homes, they allow the children to rule.

This happen very early in the new parent's life. The new born baby begins to command the parent to listen to its pleas and demands from day one. Parents, especially new ones, acquiesce to every cry and movement. This is followed by continued pandering the rest of their child's life. Excuses during the "terrible 2's, tweens, teenage... and many I don't even know, are given to keep from doing the often difficult task of properly disciplining.

One of the major issues is not using physical discipline. Now, it is certainly true that discipline is so much more than a physical correction, but the Bible is very clear that if you do not discipline physically, the child will end up spoiled. But, the point I want to make with this verse is the true condition of the parent who does not physically discipline. Even though they think they are being kind by not paddling them, really they are unloving and potentially cruel.

K and A, This is not a light issue. Their souls are in danger of eternal destruction. Proverbs 23:4 says, punish him with the rod and save his soul from death! The consequences are forever. It is a spiritual necessity to train up a child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6). Understand, that an important and Biblical part of training up a child is physical discipline. If you love them, you will not spare that rod.


...have I loved each of you enough?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Noble Character, Proverbs 12:4

Noble Character

Proverbs 12:4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

The beginning of this verse is similar to the one written by King Lemuel. Remember him? He is the  one whose mother exhorted him not to drink wine of crave beer. Excellent advice from a godly mother. Maybe this is how he knew what a noble wife was like; he saw the attributes of his own mother.

Proverbs 31 gives the qualities of a noble wife:
  • brings good to her husband
  • works with eager hands
  • is selective in choices
  • finds what is best for her family
  • has strong arms
  • works late into the night
  • makes things with her own hands
  • helps the needy
  • makes clothes and blankets
  • sells things she has made
  • has dignity and is emotionally strong
  • is wise and gives sound instruction
  • looks after the affairs of the home
  • is not idle
  • most importantly she fears the Lord
A and K, do not be thorn in your husband's side. Do not be a pain to your children. Never be a lazy sloth, turning on your bed like a door on its hinges (Proverbs 26:14). Rather
  • Acquire strength sufficient for your tasks
  • Become emotionally and spiritually strong that you might handle whatever trouble come your way
  • Create what is needed in your home to make it welcoming
  • Develop your character and become wise by applying the Word to your life and to the lives of your family
  • Most of all fear the Lord and serve him whole heartily
If you do these things, your husband will be forever grateful that God brought you in his life and that you became his wife.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Refreshed, Proverbs 11:25


Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

Ever feel miserable? The day just hasn't gone right, you worked hard and still it turns out wrong. Ever want to just quit? These are common feelings for most people. Dead people have no such trouble, so  if you are breathing don't be surprised that troubles come (John 16:33). You are not alone.

If this is true for everyone, why do some seem so happy? Are they just putting on? How do they recover from there trouble and hardships? No, they aren't putting on, you too can be happy, joyous inside and out. This verse describes one way to lift your spirits! If you are in the doldrums and life seems all awry and you need a refreshed spirit, go help someone else out of their troubles.

I know, most of the world would wonder how you can help someone when you yourself  feel dry and without hope. God's ways are foolishness to the world (1 Corinthians 2:14), they cannot understand his why he does what he does or wants us to do things he asks of us. But when we follow through with the Lord's will, we find it effective.

A and K, When you feel stressed and need a lift, go find someone who needs your help. Find someone who will benefit from the talent and training you have. As you see them lifted from their trials you will find this verse true and understand that God's ways are the best. You will build your trust in him and find that even in the most difficult situations you will have hope and joy. Lift others and your spirit will be lifted as well and you will find the peace of the Spirit of God in your being.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Surviving The Storm, Proverbs 10:25

Surviving The Storm

Proverbs 10:25 When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone but the righteous stand firm forever.

As I write this, hurricane Irma is bearing down on the Florida Keys. This massive category 4 hurricane has created havoc across the Caribbean and into the southern US. In the wake of its path. much destruction and mayhem has occurred including on the of Barbuda, a very small island nation of around 2000 people. After the storm swept by the destruction is quite evident. Homes and businesses are completely gone. Over 90 percent of the nation has been destroyed! Amazingly there are very few deaths. God is to be praised for his protection.

As the storm tracks across into the United States, we will soon see how well built the structures have been built. Will they blow away and be gone, or will the stand firmly upon their foundations?

K and A, This is so true in your lives as well, especially spiritually. Jesus spoke about the wise and foolish builders who built on sand and stone (Matthew 7:24 - 28), and how, if you build your life on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2), you can continue to stand or if you build on sandy ground that gets swept away when the storms of life get rough, you are swept away. So daughters, build your life on Jesus, follow his commands, and seek him with all your heart, mind and soul (Mark 12:30), and he will protect you against the storms that come into your life no matter how small or how great. Remember this; the storms will still sweep by, but you need not fear them for you shall stand firm in your faith to live another day.


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Favorites, Proverbs 9:17


Proverbs 9:17 Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious.

Here is a favorite question at church gatherings... what's your favorite verse? People say ones like John 3:16 - for God so loved the world..., Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you..., Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through God... Proverbs 3:5 & 6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart... 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins... 1 Corinthians 10:13 - No temptations has seized you...Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together... and many more.

What are yours!

Mine are John 11:35 & Proverbs 9:17. The first because it was the shortest verse in the Bible growing up (Job 2:3 is now), and the second, because I get to explain how scripture can be twisted to fit any belief when not taken in context.

A and K, The father of the Hetrick singers spoke at church years back and said his daughters were going to sing his favorite song, then the next time he stood he said it again, then again and again. Soon we realized that these songS were all special to him. Ladies, make the things of God your favorite part of life. His Word is so full and rich that once you begin to see all the promises he has, the Scriptures will become your favorite. Google favorite verses and see how sweet and delicious it is!


Friday, September 8, 2017

What I Hate, Proverbs 8:13

What I Hate

Proverbs 8:13 To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.

Most parents teach children to refrain from saying the word hate. It is easy to get into the bad habit and soon you are saying I hate this and I hate that. Once I was told that hate is a strong word. This young man was expecting to marry soon, and as I was counseling him, he rightly set me in my place (Proverbs 9:8).

But there is a time to hate when our hate is focused on concepts and on actions. In fact, if we are to be found wise, we will hate what God hates: haughty eyes and lying tongues, hearts that devise wicked plans (Prov 6:16), and divorce (Malichi 2:16) among others. When we do not have a hatred for wickedness, we are in danger of committing the sin ourselves. This can be fleshed out in our struggles with reoccurring sins.

K and A, when you have a problem with a sin, no matter how small or how big (and there are differences in sin no matter what others say), your victory over it is found in learning to fear the Lord and hating the sin as he does. I have found this true in my life. If I convince myself that the action is not that bad but "shouldn't" be done, I cannot stop doing it. When I see it as God sees it and hate what I am doing, then I sense the guilt and shame and victory is in sight!

Daughters, fear the Lord and hate evil. Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart (2 Timothy2:22). These will bring about the kind of life God desires (James 1:19).


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Special to Me, Proverbs 7:2

Special to Me

Proverbs 7:2  Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of you eye.

Some people say that their children or their husband is the apple of their eye. This is not a bad thing, but there is a better thing to make the apple of your eye, the Word of God.

Solomon's words to his sons became that word to us. We see in his book of wisdom, words to live by. Written there are ways to respond to our neighbor, how to handle your money, the results of being a miserable spouse, treatment of your enemy and what it means to be foolish and wise... and talking to much and on and on. A delight to ones soul, is what God's Word will be.

Ladies, as you live your life, put into practice the solutions to life found in Proverbs. You will find them quite pleasant, filling and nourishing, and you will find that they will keep the doctor (of demise) away. As you do, I will certainly notice and you will always remain the apple of my eye - special to me.


... is that eye with an apple in it a little scary?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Self Motivation, Proverbs 6 - 8

Self Motivation

Proverbs 6:6 - 8 Go to the ant, you sluggard, consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.

What makes the ant wise? It goes about its work without being told. There is no one to say, okay get up and get your work done. No, each day it goes and gathers what will be need to live in the future. Man, on the other hand, has a tendency to sit back and wait for someone to tell them what to do. Once we get moving, we look for ways to get out of work, sometimes working harder not work than the work itself. Often when we know there is work to do,we hold back and do not get it done until the last moment. Sadly, we often realize we started to late, and it cannot be completed on time. How unwise!

K and A, you have found this to be true in school. You have plenty of time, so you do something else in the meantime until there is barely anytime left. One of you might remember midnight deadlines that have brought out frantic moments when nothing seems to work right, the computer locks up or the internet drops... arrrrg, if you just hit enter 10 more times I'm sure it will work!

You may have seen this at work as well... slackers. They have to be told over and over again how to do every step... do I have to hold your hand and walk you through it? Others seemingly can't find their way back from the bathroom, others work at snails pace. A guy at a place I worked got the nickname "Lake Speed" because he moved at the speed of a lake, he did seem to move. Another guy was named "Loopner" but that's another story.

Daughters, the point is this, do not be lazy or slothful. Go get to your work, motivate yourself and be a worker who does not need to be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15). Do your tasks as one approved by God (same). No matter who you do your work for, whether for school or for some pain-in -the-neck boss, do it as if you were doing it for God himself (Ephesians 6:7), with your whole heart. This is how a woman of God lives: she is cognizant, diligent, and proficient, completing here tasks with excellence. Be that woman, for this is the kind of woman God desires.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Don't Look, Proverbs 4:25

Don't Look

Proverbs 4:25 Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.

There is sin all around us. It bombards us in music, billboards, on the radio and TV, in school and at work. Our "friends" and co-workers exude evil. What is one to do? It cannot be escaped!.. Look to the Word of God. This verse is just one of many that helps us deal with this issue. We know we are not to live in a bubble, never to touch the unclean. Jesus was very clear about this... [Father], My prayer is not that you take them out of this world, but that you protect them from the evil one (John 17:15). No, we are to be among them, just not part of them.

But what do we see when we look? Paul said to stay focused, press on toward the goal (Ph 3:14) and to set our minds on things above (Col 3:2). In following Paul's teachings (and that is what we are to do (Acts 2:42), we will see the hurts and needs of the people caught in evil practices, but we will not involve ourselves in their worldly "pleasures". When what they do becomes desirable to us, we have been deceived. Is this not what happened to Eve? She saw that the fruit was pleasing to the eye and desirable... she took some and ate it (Genesis 3:6).

Oh K and A, there is no greater warning I must give than to tell you to keep from being polluted by the world (James 1:27)! It is a major theme of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation we are warned to be vigilant, and we are given examples of those who failed to do so and the destruction God brought upon them and their families. Why does today's church not see this danger? Why do I, why do you not take more precautions. Daughters, fix your eye above to heavenly things so that as you save other by snatching them from the fire, that while showing mercy, you yourselves will not be stained by [their] corrupted flesh (Jude 1:23).

Ladies, I have been ridiculed for telling others to be careful who they spend their time with because it will affect their spiritual health. But, it is God's Word that warns you and me! There is a war going on between God and evil. Your struggles are spiritual and against dark powers looking to devour you so be vigilant (Eph 6:12, 1 Pet 5:8). Do not be like Lot's wife, who looked back yearning to have what she lost and never took another step. Rather keep in step with Christ as you walk the narrow road, not looking to the left or to the right, but pressing onward to the prize that lay ahead.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Hidden Treasure, Proverbs 2:4 &5

Hidden Treasure

Proverbs 2:4 & 5 and if you look for [wisdom] as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God

Many do not see why we should fear God. They say that since God is love (1 John 4:8) and that perfect love casts out fear because there is no fear in love (1John 4:18), and that God's love is perfect, then we will not fear God, that would be just wrong. There is one problem with that thought, there are numerous scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments that tell us differently. Your grandfather said many times that fearing God is having a reverent respect for him. He compared it to respecting a car, knowing the dangers if you do not follow the rules of the road, or the dangers when you exceed the limits of its abilities.

Wisdom will lead you in knowing how to fear God while basking in his love. You will rest in him knowing that it is dangerous to be "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" (Jonathan Edwards, sermon 1741) The punishment for sin is real and brings eternal separation from God. Do think that Christian who sin just get a pass... Jesus is your get out of Hell card, yeah I kept sinning but here, I was given this card to let me in anyway. No! We are to stop sinning! (1 John 3:9).

Young ladies, wisdom will tell you these things. If you do not yet understand it to be true, search for the truths in Scripture. Dive into it as searching for sunken treasure for it will bring you life and an end to problematic sins that refuse to go away. I pray that you do not have sins like this, yet knowing these truths will enable you to help not only yourself but also help those you have been lead astray by erroneous teachings . Wisdom is a treasure worth spending all you have for. It will yield great returns! Search God's Word and find knowledge and understanding so you live faithfully each day.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

No Answer, Proverbs 1:28

No Answer

Proverbs 1:28 Then they will call to me but I will not answer they will look for me but will not find me.

A Call from Ms. Wanna B. Wright
Hello, thanks for calling. How may I help you?
My name is Ms. Wanna B. Right, and I'm still lacking some understanding on how to live. I was wondering if you could be of assistance?
Oh, certainly. We are here help. It nice to hear you voice again Ms. Wright. What seems to me wrong today.
Well, often I come up against things as I go about my day, and I don't know what to do.
Have you been reading your Bible everyday?
Yes, but it just doesn't seem to help.
Do you spend time thinking about them, praying about what you read?
Not very often. My schedule is so busy and all. I never seem to have the time to do that. I usually just read it.
Do you seek out wise counsel from the age-ed? Holy saints can be a great resource. Befriend them, and they will help you find God's answer.
You know, you're right. I need to seek help in better places. Thanks for your help. Good Bye.
You're welcome. Anytime, You call, and I will answer. We're here to help you.

A Call from Ms. Fool N. All
(phone ringing and ringing)
I don't know why they don't answer. That's why I don't ever call. They never pick up. They probably have caller ID and when they see it's me, They don't answer.
Leave a message after the beep, leave a message after the beep... that's pointless. I'll never get called back, so I'm not leaving any message. This hotline is worthless. I should never have listened to that old man. I called this place once. They just wanted me to stop all the fun stuff  and go read and memorize stupid stuff and stop hanging out with my friends. That was so yesterday... I'll just go back to my friends. We've done so much together. They wouldn't lead me wrong.

...... I knew I should never had listen to my friends. They are only in it until times get rough. Then they leave me all alone. And now when I call that hotline they don't answer, and now that the old guy's dead, no one wants to help. I'm doomed.

A & K... where do you go for advice in life? Choose wisely and follow through with Godly advice from those holy around you. They may seem old fashion and out of touch, but I have found that the times they lived through weren't my different than mine. Times change but motivations remain the same. Listen up before its too late. Many of my wise, holy contacts have died. I wish I had learned more from them but now its too late. Seek wisdom, daughters. She is calling you.


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Riches or Righteouness, Proverbs 28:6

Riches or Righteousness

Proverbs 28:6 Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.

What is it about riches that make it so difficult to remain faithful to God? Jesus warned about it: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25). There are also warnings about the poor, in fact Agur asked God to give him neither poverty nor riches, Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God (Proverbs 30:9).

K and A, It certainly is not the amount of money you possess that determines your standing with God. Rather, it is the way you live that matters. Although riches, no matter how small, do change people as they begin to put trust in their own abilities. Yet, Solomon was trying to say that righteousness is what counts. Do not wear yourself out to get rich and miss the way. Riches are not worth loosing your soul! Work hard and live right and God will see that your needs are provided for and will see that you are fairly compensated for what you do. Choose righteousness over riches.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Dying Fire, Proverbs 26:20

Dying Fire

Proverbs 26:20 Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.

There are ample situations which one can find for getting caught up in heated discussions. I see it everyday at work. Usually complaints about how the administration or bosses just do not understand the worker's plight. They are certainly inept, never do anything, and we could obviously do a better job than what they are!

How do we respond to those times when others around us complain and moan about others. Do we add wood to the fire and help in the bashing of a person who is not even there to defend themselves? Or, do we try removing sources of fuel by lifting the other person up.

Daughters, it is obviously dangerous to actually removing pieces of wood from a fire. Those logs are quite hot and you can end up getting burnt! So what is one to do? The least you can do is keep your own mouth shut. Where there are many words, sin is not absent (Prov10:19). But you can also help build others up, and in doing so you will snag the end of a burning comment, pull it out, and create a dying fire. Never help in kindling strife (vs 21). It will only add to the destruction of others and will cause the fire to get hotter to come back and burn you. God wants you to shine, but not because you were set on fire by hell itself (James 3:6). Use your tongue to build other up so the fires of other will die down.
