Saturday, September 30, 2017

Who Cares, Proverbs 30:20

Who Cares

Proverbs 30:20 This is the way of an adulteress: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, 'I've done nothing wrong.'

Like those who sin time and time again until their conscience is seared, is the person spoken of in this verse. They have disobeyed God so often without evident consequence, that they see nothing wrong with what they have done or are doing.

Hugh Hefner died this past week. He was proud that he had turned a nation away from God's ways to self gratification with sexuality. He is credited with making pornography and sexual promiscuity common in our society. Sexual relations outside of marriage is not only acceptable but expected. Read the headline, and everyday there is a story of sexual deviance. Movies and TV shows are filled with it.

This has become true within the church as well. Pastors leaving their wife for the church secretary, evangelical leaders caught in homosexual trysts. In many homes living together before marriage is common among church goers. Separated and shacking up, divorced and remarried, teens having sex and sleeping together, Sure it has always happened, but in the last 30 years it has not only become commonplace but is expected that you will not be a virgin when married nor expected to remain married to the same person the rest of your life. And his is the belief within the church!

K and A, they say who cares? Everybody does it. God cares and so should you. People within the church have made jokes of "reading Playboy for the articles." Hefner's open society has changed everyone, including me and including you. What is accessible today is grotesque and evil. We make past sexual societies look like kindergarten class, and are competition with Sodom and Gomorrah. Who cares? I pray that you do. Do not sin and pass it off, even if you never do it again! You must confess the truth and be cleansed by the blood of Christ. Care for yourself and for the family you plan on raising. Teach them the ways of the Lord and not the ways of the world. Care for their very souls by eating the fruits of righteousness and you will be truly filled with what is good.


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