Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Noble Character, Proverbs 12:4

Noble Character

Proverbs 12:4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

The beginning of this verse is similar to the one written by King Lemuel. Remember him? He is the  one whose mother exhorted him not to drink wine of crave beer. Excellent advice from a godly mother. Maybe this is how he knew what a noble wife was like; he saw the attributes of his own mother.

Proverbs 31 gives the qualities of a noble wife:
  • brings good to her husband
  • works with eager hands
  • is selective in choices
  • finds what is best for her family
  • has strong arms
  • works late into the night
  • makes things with her own hands
  • helps the needy
  • makes clothes and blankets
  • sells things she has made
  • has dignity and is emotionally strong
  • is wise and gives sound instruction
  • looks after the affairs of the home
  • is not idle
  • most importantly she fears the Lord
A and K, do not be thorn in your husband's side. Do not be a pain to your children. Never be a lazy sloth, turning on your bed like a door on its hinges (Proverbs 26:14). Rather
  • Acquire strength sufficient for your tasks
  • Become emotionally and spiritually strong that you might handle whatever trouble come your way
  • Create what is needed in your home to make it welcoming
  • Develop your character and become wise by applying the Word to your life and to the lives of your family
  • Most of all fear the Lord and serve him whole heartily
If you do these things, your husband will be forever grateful that God brought you in his life and that you became his wife.


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