Wednesday, September 13, 2017

True Love, Proverbs 13:24

True Love

Proverbs 13:24 He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.

Sorry if you thought this was to be a post about knowing how to love that special person in your life. I guess that will be one for another day... No, this one is about loving your children. Today's mindset has deviated far from scriptural principles and just plain ole common sense. Parents have given over their lives for the lives of their children. Instead of the parents making the decisions in the homes, they allow the children to rule.

This happen very early in the new parent's life. The new born baby begins to command the parent to listen to its pleas and demands from day one. Parents, especially new ones, acquiesce to every cry and movement. This is followed by continued pandering the rest of their child's life. Excuses during the "terrible 2's, tweens, teenage... and many I don't even know, are given to keep from doing the often difficult task of properly disciplining.

One of the major issues is not using physical discipline. Now, it is certainly true that discipline is so much more than a physical correction, but the Bible is very clear that if you do not discipline physically, the child will end up spoiled. But, the point I want to make with this verse is the true condition of the parent who does not physically discipline. Even though they think they are being kind by not paddling them, really they are unloving and potentially cruel.

K and A, This is not a light issue. Their souls are in danger of eternal destruction. Proverbs 23:4 says, punish him with the rod and save his soul from death! The consequences are forever. It is a spiritual necessity to train up a child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6). Understand, that an important and Biblical part of training up a child is physical discipline. If you love them, you will not spare that rod.


...have I loved each of you enough?

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