Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Bock! Proverbs 26:2


Proverbs 26:2 Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.

The was a commercial for Caesars Pizza... how do we come up with our ideas... then you see a chicken fly off a truck on to a car and it goes BOCK as it hits the windshield... pizza for a buck, how do I come up with this stuff?

This is like any bird you might have hit with your car. Out of nowhere, it comes, hits your windshield, and it's gone, and you continue on your way. Well, that might be the last you think of it but the bird, that's another story.

Careless words are like that. To those that spoke them, the words just bounced a bit and on you the way you go, never to think about it again. But the person who they bounce into, that's another story. They are left with the pain that it brings. maybe they will shake it off and try to continue on, but maybe it hit so hard the are injured for life.

K and A, watch what you say and be careful how you speak to others. You can injure someone for life emotionally. This is especially true if they are weak or if they count you as a friend. Even when you are joking, it may go awry. Watch their eyes to see if it hurt them. If texting, see how they respond... many have been unduly hurt when it wasn't intended, but they hurt none-the-less. You may have not tried to hurt them but if it hurts, a healing needs to occur and you need to attend to that pain. So, pay attention, listen closely and as you travel through life and you hear BOCK, go back and make sure they're okay.


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