Friday, September 29, 2017

Do You Care, Proverbs 29:7

Do You Care

Proverbs 29:7 The righteous care about the poor but the wicked have no such concern.

There will always be poor around us (Matthew 26:11). Especially because of how we define poor in our country. Many of the poor in the United States are rich compared to the majority of those in the world. Yet, if you are one of those rich poor people you still sense the pain of your condition. In other words, if we feel the pain, it is real to us.

So, why should we care for those around us that are not really poor but suffer because they think they are?

Because, they are in need. 

How, then, do we care for people who already have enough to live on?

We must see their true need. Is it contentment? Is it lack of wisdom? Is it mismanagement? Maybe it is just laziness. What ever it is we must care for the needs of others. In Matthew 25 Jesus speaks of true needs; hunger and thirsty, lack of clothing, a stranger or outsider. (vs 37 & 38). Jesus, Peter,  James and John and Paul all spoke the importance of caring for those in need especially the poor, orphan, and widow (James 1:27, Gal 2:10).

Remember, in your kindness do not enable them. Paul says that if someone is not willing to work, they should not be given anything to eat! (2 Thessalonians 3:10). That is a tough statement, but it is so necessary. Yet, we cannot keep this rule without caring about them. Their needs are often just as great, the need to care for themselves.

A and K, see the needs around you. It is easy to say that since we pay taxes, and the majority of it goes to take care of others, then we are already giving. This is true, but money is not the same as caring. There is many hurting that need love and direction. Money to the government cannot not supply that effectively. You are the hands and feet of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). Reach out and care for those around you.


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