Monday, September 11, 2017

Refreshed, Proverbs 11:25


Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

Ever feel miserable? The day just hasn't gone right, you worked hard and still it turns out wrong. Ever want to just quit? These are common feelings for most people. Dead people have no such trouble, so  if you are breathing don't be surprised that troubles come (John 16:33). You are not alone.

If this is true for everyone, why do some seem so happy? Are they just putting on? How do they recover from there trouble and hardships? No, they aren't putting on, you too can be happy, joyous inside and out. This verse describes one way to lift your spirits! If you are in the doldrums and life seems all awry and you need a refreshed spirit, go help someone else out of their troubles.

I know, most of the world would wonder how you can help someone when you yourself  feel dry and without hope. God's ways are foolishness to the world (1 Corinthians 2:14), they cannot understand his why he does what he does or wants us to do things he asks of us. But when we follow through with the Lord's will, we find it effective.

A and K, When you feel stressed and need a lift, go find someone who needs your help. Find someone who will benefit from the talent and training you have. As you see them lifted from their trials you will find this verse true and understand that God's ways are the best. You will build your trust in him and find that even in the most difficult situations you will have hope and joy. Lift others and your spirit will be lifted as well and you will find the peace of the Spirit of God in your being.


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