Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Stirred Up, Proverbs 19:2

Stirred Up

Proverbs 19:2 It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.

In today's society there are many who have been stirred up by a few nay-sayers and trouble has broken out. Most people are followers, and this can cause great problems when they have been swayed to protest. A current group, called the Antifa, has stirred up many to protest what they believe is injustice. So, through advertising on Craigslist, they hire mobs to help protest and cause problems at events like happened in Charlottesville, NC in 2016.

What's my point in relation to this verse? Most protests today are carried out by people not having any knowledge in what they are protesting. They are moved by people who, through evil intent, stir up trouble. This makes their true leader, Satan, very happy, because it creates division in our society. This happens because we do not know the truth and we move on emotions instead of the facts.

This can happen within the church as well. It has happened many times in fact. Here are a few examples... Jim Jones, a pastor turned cult leader until over 900 people committed suicide. Over 300 of those were children who "drank the Kool-Aid". Then, there is Joseph Smith. He learned about Christ in the 2nd Awakening and was an eager follower. But, later he became involved in religious folk magic and began to see visions and added his inspired book to the Scriptures. His followers are the Church of the Latter Day Saints, the Mormons. The last one I'll mention is the founder of the Jehovah Witnesses, The Watch Tower Group, Charles Taze Russell. He too started out in church and today has over 8 million followers. He has long since passed but his twisting of God's Word continues to be taught throughout the world, and in their devotion, his followers miss the way.

K and A, I want you to be stirred in your heart, to follow the Lord with passion. But, you must follow Christ in the knowledge and wisdom of the Word. If you just follow something just because it was said in church or by a famous preacher of musician or just because I said it... you will soon fail to follow Christ. This is a great problem today. It looks very much like Christianity, but does it hold up when set it up against the Bible? Most claiming Christ do not care... the serve the feelings they get when they participate in "worship".

Daughters, be like the Bereans who accepted Paul's teachings with great eagerness, yet search the scriptures to verify its truth (Acts 17:11). And ladies, when you "feel" God move on your heart and those goose bumps travel throughout your body, test the spirits to verify they are from God (1 John 4:1). For, the Spirit of God will not ask you to do act contrary to the Word of God. The stirring of the Spirit is the greatest feeling you'll ever have. I pray that you will reach out and receive it, for this stirring toward holiness is God's second act of grace.


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