Sunday, September 3, 2017

No Answer, Proverbs 1:28

No Answer

Proverbs 1:28 Then they will call to me but I will not answer they will look for me but will not find me.

A Call from Ms. Wanna B. Wright
Hello, thanks for calling. How may I help you?
My name is Ms. Wanna B. Right, and I'm still lacking some understanding on how to live. I was wondering if you could be of assistance?
Oh, certainly. We are here help. It nice to hear you voice again Ms. Wright. What seems to me wrong today.
Well, often I come up against things as I go about my day, and I don't know what to do.
Have you been reading your Bible everyday?
Yes, but it just doesn't seem to help.
Do you spend time thinking about them, praying about what you read?
Not very often. My schedule is so busy and all. I never seem to have the time to do that. I usually just read it.
Do you seek out wise counsel from the age-ed? Holy saints can be a great resource. Befriend them, and they will help you find God's answer.
You know, you're right. I need to seek help in better places. Thanks for your help. Good Bye.
You're welcome. Anytime, You call, and I will answer. We're here to help you.

A Call from Ms. Fool N. All
(phone ringing and ringing)
I don't know why they don't answer. That's why I don't ever call. They never pick up. They probably have caller ID and when they see it's me, They don't answer.
Leave a message after the beep, leave a message after the beep... that's pointless. I'll never get called back, so I'm not leaving any message. This hotline is worthless. I should never have listened to that old man. I called this place once. They just wanted me to stop all the fun stuff  and go read and memorize stupid stuff and stop hanging out with my friends. That was so yesterday... I'll just go back to my friends. We've done so much together. They wouldn't lead me wrong.

...... I knew I should never had listen to my friends. They are only in it until times get rough. Then they leave me all alone. And now when I call that hotline they don't answer, and now that the old guy's dead, no one wants to help. I'm doomed.

A & K... where do you go for advice in life? Choose wisely and follow through with Godly advice from those holy around you. They may seem old fashion and out of touch, but I have found that the times they lived through weren't my different than mine. Times change but motivations remain the same. Listen up before its too late. Many of my wise, holy contacts have died. I wish I had learned more from them but now its too late. Seek wisdom, daughters. She is calling you.


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