Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Who Is It, Proverbs 27:19

Who Is It

Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects the face, so a man's heart reflects the man.

Before there were mirrors, only shiny surfaces could be used to see oneself. I would suppose water was the first of those. So, what does the mirror show? Does it show who the man is or what he looks like? Certainly, we cannot see the motives or drives a man has, only his outward appearance Then, how can the man know who he truly is?

The Lord said The heart is deceitful beyond all things, and beyond cure. Who can understand it (Jerimiah 17:9)? In that discourse, God said he searches man's heart and will reward each according to his conduct, his deeds. God knows us. What we are is no secret to him. We can fool others and often fool ourselves, but we cannot fool God. No matter how we look on the outside, God sees our heart.

When can see the condition of our heart through our deeds. Jesus said the heart produces things like evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander (Matthew 15:19). These things defile a person. So, if our heart is without cure and it produces evil, what are we to do? Woe is me said Isaiah, I am ruined (6:5)!

A and K, The New Testament says that our deceitful heart can be changed, and that there is now a cure! That is good, because the cure, Jesus, will judge us according to our deeds, whether good or bad on the last day (2 Corinthians 5:10). Fortunately, as Paul tell us, you can put to death the misdeeds of the body through the Spirit. If you do, then you are a child of God (Romans 8:13).

Daughters, think about this when you look into a mirror: God's Word is the mirror for your heart. When what you see doesn't look as it should. Spend the time to pretty yourself up (1 Peter 3:3). Don't just walk away and do nothing or your religion is worthless. (James 1:25, 26). No matter how ugly you may think you are when you look in the mirror, it makes no difference, it is futile thinking, but what matters is what you do when you read or hear the Word of God. Only the beauty of your heart counts when you walk the "runway" of life. When your beauty comes from Christ being in you, people will ask, who is that? And, I, with gratitude in my heart, will be pleased to say, they're my daughters!


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