Sunday, September 24, 2017

Can't Handle It, Proverbs 24:10

Can't Handle It

Proverbs 24:10 If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.

I never liked this verse much. It seems so harsh. But, then we are in a society that any little thing you say is taken as bullying. Where is our toughness? Where do we find the strength to carry on? Why can't we beat trouble when it comes our way? We need to toughen up.

Now, I am not advocating heading to the gym and bulking up. As good as exercise is, it still has little real benefits for a successful life. It is godliness that counts (1 Tim 4:8). Our strength needs to be in the Lord. When times get tough, the tough turn and renew their faith in God. Then they will soar above the problems that come their way and they will not fall. For, their strength was built up because their hope was placed in the Lord (Isiah 40:31).

K and A, When troubles come, and they will (John 16:33), put your hope in the Lord and not on your own abilities. then you will rise above those troubles and you will become strong. Some may trust in chariots and some in horses, but [you, daughters,] shall trust in the name of our God (Psalm 20:7). When you do, you will be able to handle the things that you can't handle!


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