Thursday, September 28, 2017

Speak Up, Proverbs 28:23

Speak Up

Proverbs 28:23 He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue

sort of like a watchman

Good people have a tendency to keep their mouth when they see someone doing an unwise thing. They are often afraid they are judging that person and speaking up would be evidence of that. After all we all sin, so who am I to tell them. But this is not how God planned it. We are help each other see the sin in our lives or when we are soon to make a unwise or bad choice. There is verse (Matthew 7:4) that is often quoted which keeps us from telling others what they need to hear. Roughly quoted... How can you bother with the speck in your brothers eye, when you have a plank in your own... But if we read on it says... take that plank out of your eye, so you can help your brother! How sad it is when there is sin in someone's life that keeps them from helping their fellow believer.

We are here to help each other see areas in our life that holds us back from living for and serving Christ effectively (Hebrew 10:25). Many times that is unwise choices. Other times it is outright sin. But, if we do not speak up, then we are partially responsible for their demise. Just as God told Ezekiel that if he failed to warn or dissuade people about their wicked ways God would hold Ezekiel accountable (Ezekiel 33:8), God will also hold us accountable for those he brings into our lives to help. It would be so wrong to say a word that makes them feel good, when we know they are doing evil. Wrong for them and for us.

K and A, I know I have told each of you when I thought you were doing wrong and disciplined you for it. As a parent that is so necessary. Children are to be taught right from wrong! Now as you are older, my role changes, even more so after you are married. But, that will not stop me from caring. I will continue to speak up... now it becomes your choice to heed my words on your own and determine if it is the Lord's way to live. When you are out from under my authority, I am no longer responsible for your choices. You get to enjoy or suffer the consequences of them. Yet, I remain responsible to "dissuade" from living in sin. As I speak up, and I will... make your choice thoughtfully and carefully and prayerfully, knowing that they affect your eternal destiny. ...Some subjects are just heavy... yet so important. I love you two.


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