Saturday, September 23, 2017

Can't Stop, Proverbs 23:2

Can't stop

Proverbs 23:2 and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.

Wait, that's extreme. Is this a hyperbole?

I suppose. But, God thinks gluttony is an important subject. In fact, Paul said that gluttons will be destroyed (Phillipians 3:19)

Oh come on. You're telling me that a fat person doesn't go to heaven. That's ridiculous!

Listen to what the Bible says. God is the judge and sets the rules, not us. The Old Testament tell us that Sodom was destroyed for multiple reasons, one of them being "over fed" (Ezekiel 16:29). Matthew and Luke spoke of Jesus being accused of the sins of drunkenness and gluttony (11:19, 7:34).

But, does the Bible say that fat people go to the lake of fire or not?

No. it says that those you are controlled by natural appetites do not enter the kingdom. Those led by the spirit do. Drinking, smoking, and today we must mention drugs, and other addictions are signs that we fail to allow the Spirit to lead us. Being unable to control how much you eat is like those.

Then, why are there grossly overweight preachers?

(Raise head slightly, tilt head down slowly from right to left while raising eyebrow and looking over glasses while sighing) You tell me.

Daughters, I am amazed at the failure of the church to approach this issue. I do not know how fat is too fat. Just like I don't know how long is too long for a guys hair. Nor, do I think we should have people step on a scales before they can take communion. But, I do know that if there is something in your life that you cannot stop, you are not living in the power of the Spirit. That is true with any sin, no matter how big or small.

K and A, do not [gorge yourself on food which leads to being obese]. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). Then you will be able to stop the things you can't stop.


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