Friday, September 22, 2017

Not Even An Inch, Proverbs 22:3

Not Even An Inch

Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

It was a sunny winter day as I remember it. We had just been at church and were heading home. There were five of us children and our two parents as normal, but this Sunday we had along the bishop of our conference and his wife. Yes, that is 9 people in the car. It was a large station wagon and sitting in the back was not uncommon, back in the glory days when neither seat belts not car seats were required.

This event occurred during a time when we live in the Newville area and traveled every Sunday the half an hour trip to our church in Saville. Bishop Ginder was the special speaker that morning and all must have gone well. Not that I remember, but he was a strong spiritual leader, to me the most holy man I ever met.

On our way home my father detoured from our normal route and shot down a back road at the bottom of the Doublin Gap mountain on the Perry County side. Because it was such a beautiful day, we would take the scenic route across the ridge of the Blue Ridge mountain with the expectations beautiful views. My mother was not for the idea, because there was chicken in the oven and she didn't want it to burn before we got home.

It began uneventful, but that was soon about to change. I remember my father commenting on how nice they had kept-up the road. It was all sandy and smooth, a beautiful drive. Then all things changed. The smooth sandy road turned ice covered and fear began to grip many in the car. We were all told to keep very quiet, and quiet we were! I remember specifically passing a cabin in the low point just before heading up a long stretch up a hill. We had missed the last place to turn around. We had no choice. it appeared. but to keep going. All the children moved to the back of the car to get more traction, but it was no use. We spun our wheels to a stop. Now we had to back down an ice covered hill.

With a steep bank up on our right and a cliff on our left, we hugged the bank. Soon the car began to kick sideways and my father decided to swing the car around. The road was barely big enough for two cars to pass , but there was no choice but to try. The car came to a stop sideways in the road. The bishop went out to see how far we could go back before the car went over the cliff. I do remember the beautiful but scary view down the ravine. We couldn't see any ground behind the car. When he got to the back I clearly remember him saying "Don't come back, don't come back, not even an inch!!!!" The bishop wife got in the drivers seat, and the bishop and my dad pushed and directed. We all sat still in the back, and they got the car turned around, and we headed safely back out the way we came. Oh, and the chicken... Mother forgot to turn it on. It was far from being burnt!

It was an event to remember and a great principle to be learned. There comes a time when you know you have made the wrong choice. Danger lies ahead... Turn around. Do not continue or you will suffer for it.

K and A, I can still hear Grandpa telling this story. The way he says... don't come back, don't come back! Not even an inch!!! If you ever heard him you know what I mean. But in the excitement of the story, don't miss the lesson. Do not play the part of the fool (Prov 30:32). When you see your choices have gotten you into trouble spiritually... don't go any further, Not Evan an Inch! Stop and go the other way, for there is nothing but danger ahead. Repent and find forgiveness and find life!


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