Thursday, September 7, 2017

Special to Me, Proverbs 7:2

Special to Me

Proverbs 7:2  Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of you eye.

Some people say that their children or their husband is the apple of their eye. This is not a bad thing, but there is a better thing to make the apple of your eye, the Word of God.

Solomon's words to his sons became that word to us. We see in his book of wisdom, words to live by. Written there are ways to respond to our neighbor, how to handle your money, the results of being a miserable spouse, treatment of your enemy and what it means to be foolish and wise... and talking to much and on and on. A delight to ones soul, is what God's Word will be.

Ladies, as you live your life, put into practice the solutions to life found in Proverbs. You will find them quite pleasant, filling and nourishing, and you will find that they will keep the doctor (of demise) away. As you do, I will certainly notice and you will always remain the apple of my eye - special to me.


... is that eye with an apple in it a little scary?

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