Thursday, September 21, 2017

Gift Of Peace, Proverbs 21:14

Gift Of Peace

Proverbs 21:14 A gift given in secret soothes anger, a bribe concealed in a cloak pacifies great wrath.

The other day at work I needed to be to at school to help set up chairs by a certain time. I became ill and stopped at a gas station to recover. I texted the other worker to let him know I'd be late. He said ok. By the time I felt better and drove the rest of the way to the school, I got a call from the other worker that he had finished. I apologized, and he was fine with it. Two hours later I get a call from his boss wondering why I had not shown up? The next day I found out that he told the head of the department that I never showed up and that I could expect to get a talking to. I was in disbelief, shaking my head.

K and A, what do you do when someone double-crosses you? Treat them with kindness. The next day I came with pie and made sure I cut him a piece and put one on his cart. Many people would cut everyone but him and say why he wasn't getting one. But this is wrong. It is not how Christ told you to be. You must love those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44) and show them kindness instead. Give a gift of peace to your enemy without anyone knowing that they might know someone loves them.


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